minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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Center for Spiritual and Personal FormationMF503 (MF131) • Theories of Marriageand Family Therapy. Studentsreview and critique, from theologicaland theoretical perspectives, major approachesto family therapy. Applicationof techniques from these approachesare practiced in class. Students also examinethe place of marriage and familytherapy in pastoral care and beginto articulate their own approaches toworking with families. Recommendedprerequisite: MF501, and MF551. St.Paul only. Four hours.MF504 (MF146) • Theories of MaritalFamily Therapy I. Students reviewand critique, from theological, spiritual,and theoretical perspectives, themajor foundational approaches to familytherapy. Application of techniquesfrom these approaches are practicedin class. Students also examine theplace of marriage and family therapyin pastoral care and begin to articulatetheir own approach to working withfamilies. San Diego only. Four hours.MF504L (MF146L) • Theories of MFTLab I. This lab affords students the opportunityto develop some comfort andcompetence using the clinical skillsand interventions that are associatedwith the MFT theories being studiedin MF504 Theories of Marital FamilyTherapy I. Watching videos of therapysessions and participating in, observing,and critiquing role plays willstimulate the primary learning experiences.Students must enroll in MF504Lconcurrently with MF504. San Diegoonly. One hour.MF505 (MF147) • Theories of MaritalFamily Therapy II. Students reviewand critique, from theological, spiritual,and theoretical perspectives, themajor newer approaches to familytherapy that incorporate a postmodernw<strong>orld</strong>view. Application of techniquesfrom these approaches are practicedin class. Students continue to examinethe place of marriage and family therapyin pastoral care and do additionalwork toward articulating their ownapproaches to working with families.Prerequisite: MF504. San Diego only.Four hours.MF505L (MF147L) • Theories of MFTLab II. This lab affords students theopportunity to develop some comfortand competence using the clinicalskills and interventions that are associatedwith the MFT theories beingstudied in MF505 Theories of MaritalFamily Therapy II. Watching videosof therapy sessions, and participatingin, observing, and critiquing role playswill stimulate the primary learningexperiences. Students must enroll inMF505L concurrently with MF505. SanDiego only. One hour.MF506 (MF125) • Individual Developmentand Family Life Cycle. Thiscourse explores the development ofindividuals within the family overPhoto by Greg Schneiderthe life cycle and therapeutic strategiesfor addressing developmental issues.Childhood, adolescence, marriagepreparation, transition to parenthood,parenting over the life cycle, work andfamily issues, and chronic illness areexamined. Attention is given to physical,spiritual, intellectual, and socialdevelopment and their implicationsfor the practice of therapy and pastoralcare. Prerequisite: MF504. San Diegoonly. Four hours.MF551/557 (MF102/MF106) • Familiesin Context: Gender, <strong>Class</strong>, and Culture.This course explores differences infamily structure and interaction relatedto race, ethnicity, culture, and socioeconomicstatus. The influences of genderrole perceptions are examined. Studentsidentify challenges of providing therapyand pastoral care to families who differfrom themselves in terms of gender,class, and culture. Prerequisite in SanDiego: MF504. Four hours.MF552 (MF122) • Challenges over theFamily Life Cycle.MF558 (MF124) • Family Challengesover the Life Cycle. Students examinetherapeutic strategies for addressingdevelopmental issues throughoutthe family life cycle, such as marriagepreparation, transition to parenthood,parenting over the life cycle, work andfamily issues, chronic illness, and aging.Recommended prerequisite in St. Paul:MF502. Four hours.MF553 (MF132) • Marriage and FamilyAssessment. Theoretical perspectiveson marital and family assessmentare presented, along with an overviewof and experience with frequently usedpersonality and relationship assessmenttools. Students are encouraged to usetheir own profiles to identify opportunitiesfor continuing spiritual, personal,and relational growth. Prerequisite:MF503. Recommended prerequisite:MF562. Four hours.St. Paul • San Diego • Se<strong>minary</strong> of the EastMF555 (MF134) • Professional andEthical Issues in Marriage and FamilyTherapy.MF560 (MF144) • Professional andEthical Issues in Marital and FamilyTherapy.These courses address legal and ethicalsituations arising in the practice ofmarital and family therapy and examine125

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