minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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ScholarshipsScholarship funds are available to students who maintaina cumulative GPA of 3.0. Students must be enrolled for aminimum of eight credits per quarter to receive scholarships.Most of these scholarships are offered only to currentstudents in a master’s program who have already established aGPA at <strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong>, unless otherwise noted. Students mustapply for these scholarships with an online scholarship application,which will be made available during the winter quarter.Exception to this is the Ronald E. Pitkin Graduate Scholarship- see description for details. New students complete an onlinescholarship application found at: www.bethel.edu/finaid/sem/index.Please note the May 1 deadline. Scholarships offered to SanDiego campus students are noted with an asterisk (*). Contactthe San Diego Office of Admissions for application information.Please note that InMinistry and SemPM students who beganstudies prior to June 2006 receive a 15 percent tuition discountand are not eligible to apply for scholarships.The Aiton Family Mission Scholarship is awarded to a studentwho is preparing for full-time missionary service overseas(EPA002).The Mr. and Mrs. A. Dwight Anderson Scholarship is awardedto a middler recommended by the faculty, with special preferencegiven to a student committed to overseas mission service(RPA100).The B. Willard Anderson Memorial Scholarship provides an annualaward to needy and deserving students (EPA003).*The Clifford V. and Alice M. Anderson Scholarship is awardedto a worthy San Diego campus student committed to Christianministry (EDA002).The Dagmar Esther Anderson Endowment Fund is awarded tose<strong>minary</strong> students who demonstrate need and are preparing forpastoral ministry, preferably in the Midwest (EPA004).The Vernon D. Anderson Memorial Scholarship provides an annualaward to a student committed to service in home or w<strong>orld</strong>missions (EPA007).The Walter R. Anderson Memorial Award was established by WalterR. Anderson, former president of Vancouver Bible College,and is awarded to a Baptist General Conference student planningto enter Christian ministry with preference given to a studentinterested in camping or the chaplaincy (EPA006).The Lawrence T. Arlander Memorial Scholarship is awarded to aworthy student preparing for service as a minister or missionary(EPA008).The Babbitt Baptist Church Scholarship is given annually by theBabbitt Baptist Church in recognition of the many pastors whohave served there. It is their investment in the preparation offuture pastors (RPB102).The Rev. William G. and Ruth J. Backlund Memorial Scholarship isawarded to a student planning to enter ministry with the BaptistGeneral Conference (EPB011).The Jeannette and Stanley Bakke Women in Ministry Scholarship isawarded to a female M.Div. student who is preparing for pastoralministry or further graduate education directed toward teachingat the college or se<strong>minary</strong> level. First preference is given to aBaptist General Conference student (EPB012).The Doris and Clarence Bass Scholarship for Women in Theology isawarded to a female student for the study and/or application oftheology. It is awarded at the discretion of the theology facultyon the basis of need and experience (EPB014).The Berean Scholarship is awarded to students who show apassion for searching the Scripture for Biblical understanding.This scholarship is not restricted to those concentrating in Oldor New Testament studies. It can be given to students in anyprogram who demonstrate a passion to know and understandthe Word of God (EPB142).The Arthur and Gloria Bergeson Scholarship is awarded to a second-yearstudent preparing for ministry (EPB015).The Lawrence and Audrey Berglund Scholarship is awarded annuallyto qualified students who demonstrate both academicachievement and financial need (EPB016).The Al Bergsten Continuing Education Scholarship Fund providesassistance for pastors, missionaries, and other church workers tocontinue their educations through <strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong> (RPB103).The Hazel and George Berquist Memorial Scholarship is awardedannually to prospective se<strong>minary</strong> students who come from theMidwestern states (excluding Minnesota) and are members ofBaptist General Conference churches (EPB017).The David M. and Sadie L. Blomberg Scholarship provides an annualaward of $500 to all students enrolled at <strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong>from Hillsdale Baptist Church, Illinois; Moraine Valley BaptistChurch, Illinois; and Sawyer Highlands Baptist Church, Michigan,and also may provide awards for qualifying students fromthe Midwest District (EAB031).The Ellen M. Borden Memorial Scholarship fund has been establishedin memory of the mother of Mrs. Gordon G. Johnson.Income from the fund is given to a student who is preparing forpastoral ministry and who has financial need (EPB019).The Mr. and Mrs. Erik A. Borg Memorial Scholarship has been establishedby Mr. and Mrs. Ragnar Borg. The annual income fromthis fund is given to one or more students of good academicstanding, with demonstrated financial need, who are planningfor pastoral ministry (EPB020).*The Robert C. and Olive O. Bostrom Memorial Scholarship isawarded to a worthy San Diego campus student (EDB004).The Gust Brobry Memorial Scholarship fund has been donatedby the late Mrs. Gust Brobry in memory of her husband. Theannual income from this fund is awarded to a Baptist GeneralConference student with high scholastic achievement who is acandidate for overseas missions (EPB021).The George and Darleen Brushaber/Ralph Hammond Se<strong>minary</strong>Scholarship is awarded to se<strong>minary</strong> students of color within theBaptist General Conference (EPB022).The Ralph and Marie Brushaber Memorial Scholarship is awardedto students who show high promise of future leadership andservice and who give evidence of vital faith in Jesus Christ(EPB023).The Dr. and Mrs. Carl G. Burton Memorial Scholarship is awarded toan entering se<strong>minary</strong> student who has shown leadership, character,and scholastic achievement as a student at <strong>Bethel</strong> <strong>University</strong>(EPB024).157

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