minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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Center for Spiritual and Personal FormationSt. Paul • San Diego • Se<strong>minary</strong> of the Eastseek to respond to the complex needsof persons in a holistic manner, withauthentic sensitivity and informedcreativity.Objectives:Course offerings in pastoral care aredesigned to enable students to developcompetencies to:1. describe the most common spiritual,mental health, and relationalissues encountered in a church orother ministry context;2. plan appropriate strategies of careand guidance for these issues,whether within the church structureor by referral to other professionals;3. attain insight into how their ownspiritual, mental, emotional, theological,and cultural formation affectsthe ministry they offer to thosein need; and4. practice contextualization andtheological reflection with regard toissues of human need and pastoralcare, for both the purposes of offeringpersonal guidance and developingpreventive community strategies,paying particular attention tothe distinctives (e.g., geographic,demographic, socioeconomic, andethnic factors) found within a particularministry setting.PC500 (PC100) • Principles of Counseling.This course is designed toprovide a foundation of basic skills forpersons who would like to enhancetheir therapy and pastoral care abilities.It combines theoretical understandingand hands-on practice ofessential counseling microskills andcan serve as the prerequisite counselingcourse for persons enrolling in ortransferring to the M.A. in Marriageand Family Therapy program. Fourhours.PC501 (PC101) • Introduction toPastoral Care/Pastoral Care andCounseling. Introduces students to theminister’s shepherding functions, thenguides them to practical applicationsin preventive teaching, counseling,and shaping of healthy community life.This course includes a practicum thatforms the core learning. Lectures dealwith typical situations faced in pastoralministry. Evaluation of the studentfocuses on personal integration.Se<strong>minary</strong> of the East course includes aGuided Learning Experience. Four orfive hours.PC652 (PC227) • Christian SpiritualLife: Henri Nouwen. A study of majorthemes in the thought of Henri Nouwen(1932-1996), internationally one ofthe most influential Christian spiritualwriters of our generation. The emphasiswill be on primary sources, set inthe framework of his life and development,and complemented by reflectionsfrom the instructor, who served as ateaching fellow with Nouwen duringhis Harvard years (1983-1985). Thegoal is for this experience to providecritical insights and personal valuesthat will illuminate and encourage ourlives as beloved and faithful children ofthe Lord. (Cognate credit with SP652and HS652.) Four hours.PC701 (PC201) • Change and Conflictin Christian Ministry. Studies changeagency and conflict in church contexts.Increases understanding of skills,threats, defenses, and resolution procedures.Encourages students to considerpersonal styles and approaches to conflict.Responses are learned in groupprocess as well as wide exposure to theliterature on conflict. (Cognate creditwith ML701.) Four hours.PC702 (PC202) • Practice and Processof Pastoral Counseling. Studyand practice in the fundamentals ofcounseling, using readings, recordedmaterials, and group process.PC703 (PC203) • Christian Use ofCounseling Theory. Weighs the basicelements of counseling theory, andthen compares secular and Christianexamples of theory and practice. Eachstudent is encouraged to develop anappropriate approach to counseling ina particular ministry population andsetting. Four hours.PC704 (PC204) • Supervised CounselingPracticum. Under a local pastoralcounseling supervisor, studentswork at developing skills and approachesthat represent an appropriateChristian response to human problems.Prerequisite: PC500 or PC501.Four hours.PC705 (PC205) • Clinical PastoralEducation. Students contract under anaccredited CPE center for a 400-hoursupervised experience, usually in ahospital or nursing care center. CPEis particularly important for personswho plan to enter chaplaincy postsof various kinds, but it is also quiteapplicable to many other ministrysettings. The credits may be applied aspastoral care electives, but in cases inwhich students plan on a counselingvocation, field education credit may besought (one course). Supervisory feesare paid directly to the CPE center.This fee is deducted from the charges<strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong> makes for the coursecredits for PC205. Prerequisite: PC500or PC501. Up to 12 hours.PC710 (PC210) • Pastoral Care ofYouth. Students with strong interestin youth ministry will focus on social,psychological, and spiritual issues of thatdevelopmental age group. Includes discussionof youth culture, youth identitycrises, drug abuse, rebellion, evangelism,vocational issues, sex education, andparent-child conflict. (Cognate creditwith DC710.) Four hours.PC711 (PC211) • Marriage, Pre-Marriage,and Family Counseling. Givesministry students an overview of basicprinciples involved in marriage andfamily counseling for use in church, notclinical settings. Focuses on short-termcounseling methodology. Four hours.PC712 (PC212) • Marriage Enrichmentand Leadership. Students andspouses enter together into a marriageenrichment and communicationsexperience. Background on the marriageenrichment (ME) movement isalso provided, and guidelines are laidout for leadership of ME experiences.Christian principles for such preventionwork are explained. (Cognatecredit with SP712.) Four hours.PC713 (PC213) • Pastoral Care ofChildren and Families. This courseexplores two primary areas: pastoralcare theory and skills, and issues inpastoral care of children and families.Course descriptions apply toall <strong>Bethel</strong> locations unlessotherwise noted.122

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