minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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St. PaulThe Master of Arts inGlobal and ContextualStudiesThe Master of Arts in Global and ContextualStudies (M.A.G.C.S.) buildsupon an appropriate undergraduatedegree and integrates insights from theother disciplines at <strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong>.The program introduces students to thebiblical, theological, historical, cultural/contextual, and strategic foundationsfor an informed and effective communicationof the Christian message acrosscultures, whether overseas or amongthe growing ethnic populations withinthe United States. Students may enrollin either the traditional or the InMinistryversion of the program.Traditional M.A.G.C.S. studentsare required to complete a ministrypracticum (supervised ministry experience)with an approved mentor (aminimum of one term of study) withina cross-cultural environment, eitherwith an approved overseas partner orin a domestic environment with relevantopportunities for cross-culturalministry in the U.S. Partners can bechurches with significant cross-culturalministries in the U.S.; mission agenciesor field missionaries working amongspecific people groups or urban centersoverseas; overseas seminaries; or overseaschurches and national church leaderswho target specific people groupsor who have diversified or specializedurban ministries among multiple ethnicgroups.The InMinistry M.A.G.C.S. requiresstudents to complete at least one intensive(or two courses) in an approvedinternational context, and allowsthe option of completing as many asone-half of the normal on-campusintensives (or six intensive courses) atapproved international extension sites.The remaining six intensives are offeredat St. Paul, San Diego, or <strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong>of the East locations.The M.A.G.C.S. enhances the developmentof practical ministry skills relatedto the following key issues:1. a relevant theology for effectivecross-cultural ministry;2. an accurate understanding of thecontemporary w<strong>orld</strong> and its needs;3. an interdisciplinary perspective forplanning and leading effective ministries;4. the cultural dimensions of effectiveglobal and contextual ministry;5. the ability to accurately exegete acultural—especially urban—context;6. incarnational models for effectivecross-cultural ministry;7. contextualization of the Christianmessage; and8. the utilization of points of contactwithin other religious traditions.Photo by Scott StrebleThe se<strong>minary</strong> confers a Master of Artsdegree in Global and Contextual Studiesupon students who satisfactorilycomplete the prescribed program-relatedrequirements. These include thecompletion of course requirements,participation in the assessment andevaluation program, the writing of asatisfactory personal statement of faith,achieving a grade point average of C(2.0) or above, financial clearance fromthe business office, and participationin graduation ceremonies. Graduationis not automatic when academicrequirements have been met. Since these<strong>minary</strong> aims to graduate men andwomen who qualify as Christian leaders,the faculty and administration willevaluate a student’s qualifications interms of spiritual, doctrinal, and professionalstandards as well as academicstandards.The Master of Arts inMarriage and FamilyTherapyThe Master of Arts in Marriage andFamily Therapy program is designedfrom the perspective of family systemsfor persons who would like to workwith couples and families as a licensedmarriage and family therapist in avariety of settings, including workingas a member of a church staff as a marriageand family specialist. This degreeprogram prepares students for doctoralstudies in marriage and family if theywish to continue their education.Quarterly formation covenantsthroughout the program, satisfactorycompletion of the practicum readinessprocess, a 375-hour, nine-monthpracticum during the second or thirdacademic year, and completion of asenior statement of faith and integrativeproject are necessary for completion ofthe program. In addition to maintaininga cumulative grade point average of 2.0or higher (C average), M.A.M.F.T. studentsare required to hold a cumulativegrade point average of 3.0 or higher (Baverage) in their required MF coursesto graduate with an M.A.M.F.T. degreefrom <strong>Bethel</strong>.The se<strong>minary</strong> confers a Master of Artsin Marriage and Family Therapy de-30

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