minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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San DiegoMaster of DivinityLanguage TracksPreaching the biblical gospel is centralto Christian ministry. Therefore, <strong>Bethel</strong>’sfaculty believes M.Div. studentsshould learn the biblical languages. AllM.Div. students are required to take abiblical language track. Students whopursue a concentration in one of theclassical areas (biblical studies, historicalstudies, New Testament, OldTestament, theological studies) or aclassical generalist program must takethe Greek/Hebrew track.Students in classical disciplines orother students desiring proficiency inboth biblical languages will choosethe Greek and Hebrew language track.This track requires three quarterseach of Hebrew and Greek, includingOT521, OT522, OT531, NT521, NT522,and NT531. The fourth quarters of Hebrewand Greek (OT640; NT641) maybe taken as biblical studies electives.The Greek language track and theHebrew language track are offered forstudents pursuing a concentration inone of the applied areas, for whom oneor the other languages is preferred.In the Greek language track, studentstake four quarters of Greek, includingNT521, NT522, NT531,and NT641.Exegetical methods of study will becovered in these language courses.Students who have taken undergraduateGreek may achieve advanced standingby passing the Greek qualifying exam.Those who pass this exam are notrequired to take NT521 and NT522, butmust replace these courses with biblicalstudies electives.In the Hebrew language track, studentstake four quarters of Hebrew, includingOT521, OT522, OT531, and OT640.Exegetical methods of study will becovered in these language courses.Supervised MinistryPhoto by Larry HansenAll Master of Divinity and Master ofArts in Christian Education studentsare required to participate in supervisedministry throughout their degreeprograms. See page 140 for a completedescription of these requirements.TL551 (TL101) Field Education Practicum:This course begins in the winteror summer quarter and continuesthroughout the academic year, or canbe done during the summer monthsin full-time ministry situations. Followingorientation classes at the beginningof the winter or summer quarter,the student engages in supervisedministry in a local setting. Emphasis isplaced upon the development of practicalministry skills, the integration ofbiblical and theological studies withactual ministry, and the importance oftheological reflection in this process.TL552 (TS102) Professional Internship:This course begins in the fall orspring quarter, and runs concurrentlywith the academic year. The studentengages in ministry in an area relatedto his or her intended field of service.70

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