minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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Center for Transformational LeadershipSt. Paul • San Diego • Se<strong>minary</strong> of the EastGC502 (GC102) • Introduction toGlobal and Contextual Ministry.One-half course. This course studiesthe biblical basis, operational strategy,and the mission of the church in thew<strong>orld</strong>. Not open to M.Div. students.Two hours.GC503 (GC103) • Evangelism andMissions. This course will lay a biblicalfoundation for the mission of thechurch in the w<strong>orld</strong>, as well as for abiblical theology and practice of evangelism.The goal of this course is toempower participants to develop andimplement effective, Spirit-directed,and biblically based strategies to reachlost people and to make disciples of allwho believe among all the peoples ofthe w<strong>orld</strong>. Prerequisite: ML513. Fourhours.GC505 (GC105) • Evangelism forDiscipleship. This course introducesthe biblical basis and contemporaryapproaches to discipleship and evangelism.Students will begin formulatinga working theology to inform theirpractice. Field and classroom exerciseswill be provided to aid students in thepractice of evangelism. Three or fourhours.GC515 (GC105SE) • Evangelism andChurch Growth. This course examinesthe methods and principles ofevangelism, leadership development,church growth, church planting, andchurch renewal for churches in theAmerican Northeast. Topics includeexplaining the gospel in an accurate,culturally sensitive manner; usingtools to diagnose a congregation’sgrowth potential and barriers; andidentifying significant cultural factorsin the people groups of the NortheasternUnited States that influence theirreceptivity to the gospel. Includes aGuided Learning Experience. Se<strong>minary</strong>of the East only. Four hours.GC602 (GC220) • Street Culture, thePoor and Urban Ministry. This coursewill explore the current problems ofurban society and the challenges theserealities present to churches. A reviewof past and present responses to urbansociety by the church will be consideredwith a view toward developingstrategies for the present and future.The course is intended for all interestedin formulating a theology of ministryand not solely for those interested inurban ministry. Four hours.GC603 (GC221) • CompassionateUrban Ministry. This course introducesparticipants to multidimensionalfactors that influence the quality of lifeamong the poor. Students will examinethe circumstances surrounding individualchildren, youth, and families forthe purpose of formulating a pastoralresponse. An emphasis is placed uponthe root causes of problems and helpsprepare students to address conditionssuch as homelessness, family violence,substance abuse, and unemployment.Four hours.GC610 (GC201) • Cross-CulturalCommunication. This course willexamine the dynamics of the communicationprocess and the ways in whichvarious cultures, audience segments, orvalue orientations condition the interpretationof different symbol systems.Each student will select a culture orsubculture to evaluate its most dominantw<strong>orld</strong>view components and theapproaches to church work that aremost likely to be effective in that setting.Four hours.GC611 (GC202) • Christianity in Culture.Culture is studied to help thoseserving in various ministry contextsto identify the distinctives of cultureand Christian heritage, to distinguishthe secular aspects of heritage from thedistinctly Christian elements, and toknow when to hold firm or to be flexiblewhen providing pastoral care forpeople of other generations or cultures.Prerequisites: GC501 and GC610. Fourhours.GC651 (GC212) • W<strong>orld</strong> Religions. Astudy of w<strong>orld</strong> religions (including Judaism,Islam, Buddhism, and HispanicCatholicism) that provide structuresof belief and meaning for vast numbersof people in America and globally.The goal is to develop understandingsand sensitivities that will enable us torepresent Christ more attractively andcommunicate His gospel more intelligiblyto adherents of these faiths. (Cognatecredit with TS702.) Four hours.GC656 (GC256) • UnderstandingCults. The history, beliefs, and methodsof the major American cults, suchas Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism,Christian Science, etc., and a comparisonof their teachings and those ofScripture. San Diego only. Four hours.GC661 (GC215) • Facilitating CommunityDevelopment. This course isdesigned to familiarize students withthe principles for developing a holisticapproach to community development.134

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