minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University

minary W orld Class Seminary - Bethel Seminary - Bethel University


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Se<strong>minary</strong> of the EastFurther information on the mentoringprogram can be found in The MentoringCommunity: A Manual for Studentsand Mentors produced by <strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong>of the East.StudentInformationApplication for Admission<strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong> of the East invitesapplications from persons who aredeeply committed to Christ and Hiskingdom, and whose gifts and call toministry have been affirmed by a localbody of Christian believers. Studentsapplying to the Master of Divinityprogram must hold a bachelor’s degreeand demonstrate that they are capableof graduate-level work. Persons seekingadmission to <strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong> ofthe East must complete and submit thefollowing materials to the Se<strong>minary</strong> ofthe East Director of Admissions:1. A formal application for admissionand the required personal statementswith a nonrefundable fee of$20. (Online application fee is $25.)2. Official transcripts of college workfrom all schools attended. If the applicanthas not completed his or hercollege degree at the time of application,a partial transcript must besent. A complete transcript shouldthen be requested after the studenthas earned the degree.3. If the applicant has attended anotherse<strong>minary</strong>, a transcript of such workmust be sent.4. A recommendation form from theapplicant’s pastor.5. A recommendation form fromchurch leadership where the applicantis a member.6. Two references from individualssuch as a previous professor, currentemployer, or professional or ministrycolleague.Applicants should begin the applicationprocess at least three months priorto the beginning of the term in whichthey plan to enroll. Terms commencein mid-September, early January, andearly April. Application materials canbe obtained from any center office orby calling 1.888.The East.Directions for applying online:1. Go to the <strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong> website atse<strong>minary</strong>.bethel.edu.2. Roll your cursor over the “Admissions”tab on the left side and clickon “Se<strong>minary</strong> of the East Admissions.”3. Click on “Apply Online.”4. Under “First-Time Applicants,”click on “Create Your Account” andfollow the instructions.Application ProcessThe director of admissions and theadmissions committee will revieweach completed application. On thebasis of the submitted documents, theadmissions committee will decide if<strong>Bethel</strong> Se<strong>minary</strong> of the East can meetthe educational needs of an applicant,and if the applicant is prepared forgraduate-level se<strong>minary</strong> training. Applicantswill be notified in writing ofacceptance to the se<strong>minary</strong>.Special StudentsFor students intending to take 12 orfewer credit hours, a special studentapplication may be submitted. Specialstudent status cannot be extendedbeyond 12 credit hours. After thecompletion of 12 credit hours, specialstudents must complete the full applicationprocess for matriculation andacceptance into a degree or certificateprogram if they intend to continuetheir se<strong>minary</strong> education.82

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