Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University


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element of the definition of a problem.problem-solving process (cited in Guilford (1967)):Dewey provides the following formulation of the1. a difficulty is felt2. the difficulty is located and defined3. possible solutions are suggested4. consequences are considered5. a solution is accepted.In the same vein Gigch (2000) provides an interesting and pertinent perspective on problemsolving by focussing on the problem definition or diagnosis stage of the process whileacknowledging that this diagnosis is related to the nature of social reality which affects howthe problem is configured and defined. This diagnosis is seen as a process whose output isa statement outlining the discrepancies (or lack of congruence) between what is and whatshould be. He asserts that to diagnose a problem entails the acquisition of knowledge basedon a hierarchy of cognitive functions:• observation followed by description, explanation, interpretation (relating and comparing)- at this point the problem is reframed and the differing interests of stakeholdersacknowledged• theory formulation – how the problem (now problems) arose• supposition/hypo<strong>thesis</strong>, modelling/representation, experimentation/testing/proof, justification/falsification/proof– problem formulation still evolves, but is reformulated atthis point• evaluation/quantification/measurement, generalisation/laws, understanding• establishing the truth, prediction – on solution• value setting – risks, priorities may be set and acknowledged at any point where a’selection’ is made. These are elaborated through ever higher levels of abstraction andlogic• creativity and imagination, epistemology/ethics/aesthetics – the reasoning methodsused to formulate the problem, the effects of the proposed solution and the tradeoffspossible.112

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