Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University


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Figure 8.28: ASI results for Vaughn8.3.3 Reflection on findingsThe transition from explicitly authoritative teacher to facilitator is absolutely essential,but with that change the teacher remains an authority without being in authority. Grow(1991/1996) refers to this teacher role as one of delegating: the teacher no longer teaches thediscipline content but cultivates the students’ ability to learn. Students are consulted andlearning objectives, approaches, evaluation criteria and timing are negotiated.The focus of reflection in this cycle is on the Pedagogy component of Kreber (1999)’s framework.The main purpose of this phase of the Cycle 3 was to observe (if any) changes instudent interaction, both in the group environment and with the teacher, as an indicator ofstudent-centring.In terms of the Instructional component, the following reflections can be noted: the interactionschedules show that students are able to take early control of their learning. Due toexternal, unexpected events within the School, the teacher was often absent for extendedperiods of class time – this did not appear to have major impact on the students’ ability (orwillingness) to progress with the tasks.In terms of Pedagogy, effort continued to be placed in learning more about student learning,and on examining alternate approaches for obtaining data on individual student approaches.Evaluation of these indicates that, despite the success of students within the unit, it maybe necessary to address individual student preparedness for non-traditional learning on anindividual basis.Alignment must address learner interest as well as the constructive elements previously dis-385

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