Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University


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using these methods of requirements and design before attemptingto do any coding.I still stand by that the Software Design Studio you taught lastyear really has given much confidence in the process and theimportance of Software Design. You should feel good aboutyourself that you have a positive and practical approach toteaching. I remember I struggled through the originalrequirements and you just let me pass, though you did say stillspend some time on it, which I did. Even though it had been acouple of years before doing Software Design Studio I was amazedhow much easier it seemed the next time round, so you must havedefinetly pointed out the areas I needed to review. [...] Mustgo I need to still do some study, I thank you again for guideand assistance with my studies and future employment.Markus exhibits many of the attributes this research was attempting to target. He expressesconfidence in his own ability to learn and apply new knowledge as well as adapt what hehas learned. This confidence based on knowledge and metacognitive skills that have beenencouraged and developed throughout his formal education.Reporting findingsThe reporting at the end of this cycle is both more general and more focussed – addressingan engineering education audience in one case, and specifically educators of RE in the other.The background to the changes being undertaken, and in particular an evaluation of theorientation week to introduce students to Studio Learning was reported on at the GlobalColloquium for Engineering Education (Armarego and Fowler, 2005).The attempt to align the teaching with industry needs, both generally in Software Engineeringand more specifically in RE, was described at the RE Education & Training workshop (REET)attached to RE2005 (Armarego and Minor, 2005), This paper incorporated the preliminarywork undertaken by Minor validating, in the local context the practitioner perception (thisis discussed in Chapter 2). Reviewer comment suggested the paper was very likely to lead toan interesting discussion which engages many workshop participants.387

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