Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University


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occurred.A shift from the analysis of observable responses related to environmental conditions to thedevelopment of meaning from daily experience (Bruner, 1990) led to exploration of informationprocessing (cognitivism) as a means of developing meaning and problem-solving. Thismodel assumes that learners use a variety of different systems, and that both practicingin realistic situations and the ability to learn problem-solving strategies by thinking themthrough are important. The basis of schema theory is found here, as is the work of Gagné (egGagné and Glaser (1987); Gagné et al (1992)) on teaching strategies and learning outcomes.However, dissatisfaction with both information processing and transmission as models thatallow decontextualised learning has led to the dominance of constructivism as an approachthat promotes learning to reflect discipline-based practice. Several variants of constructivismexist, all stressing the importance of higher order thinking:radical – derived from Piaget’s cognitive-development theory, all knowledge construction isequally correct (though partially judged against consensually accepted norms), with theprocess internal rather than logic based (Glaserfeld, 1996). The focus is on problembasedlearning, pertinent to current learning modelssocial – learning is socially constructed and distributed within the community (Vygotsky,1978)emergent – learning may be analysed from either a social or psychological (ie individual)perspective (Cobb and Bauersfeld, 1995). This view co ordinates both radical andsocial perspectivesneo-marxist – the immersion in a community of practice is fundamental (Lave and Wenger,1991) and enables of the learner to make the transition from peripheral to full participation.The focus is on apprenticeship and situated learning, with no strict boundarybetween intra- and inter-cranial aspects of human cognitionholistic – learning is an integration of old and new experience and is transformational (ratherthan incremental) (Bruner, 1990). However, to be effective, the learning experienceneeds to be student-directed and authentic.Constructivists draw from the convergence of several learning ideas to produce an environmentamenable to the construction of knowledge, with more recent work looking at the importanceof learner engagement as a component of the learning environment. In opposition toconstructivism, learning theory in the US in particular emerged from an objectivist tradition,where the goal is a complete, correct and in-depth understanding of predetermined meanings.127

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