Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University


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various surveys undertaken throughout the semester. This source of rich data was tappedmore effectively once assessment components were developed and integrated into the learning.The Performance Review achieved a highly desirable reflective element to the data; theActivity Log/Journal, completed weekly, proved to be richest in revealing the journey undertakenby the students during the semester. Although the possibility of inaccurate studentself-reporting of their study behaviour cannot be ruled out, the data provided are believable,have added ‘personalities’ to the account of the interventions, and added interpretive depth.This data continue to be mined for insight into the student learning process.Success is reported here in the context of the research study undertaken. A broader viewof the success addresses the level of influence the research has, both on immediate practiceof education for RE, and on RE educational research. A more robust research design wouldincorporate a longitudinal study to assess this. Although dialogic validity has been attempted,the resources required to address this issue more fully are beyond those available to theresearcher.9.4 Implications9.4.1 Contributions to knowledgeAs noted in Chapter 1, the objective of this research has been to make a contribution to thediscipline of RE and its education by aligning practitioner needs with learning models thataddress these needs.The development of a profile for a ‘virtual’ Requirements Engineer, based on characteristicsidentified as important by practitioners, informs the conceptual model for RE education.The development of a schematic of the computing space for RE (after Shackelford (2005))also informs the conceptual model. That model suggests that learning for RE should bedrawn from non-traditional models of education, which are appropriate in that they includestrategies that address more explicitly the gaps in formal education identified by practitioners.Although in its infancy within this <strong>University</strong> and in the discipline of IT, Studio Learninghas been seen to address issues raised in studies of discipline practitioners and the educationliterature. The need to:• provide students with authentic experiences which address competencies additional tospecific discipline knowledge◦ students were exposed to learning both as a ‘generic’ metacognitive activity, and407

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