Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University


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answer, being evaluated; working under time pressure; competing (Amabile, 1996). Positiveinfluences include: encouraging assertion of ideas; no reliance on order and training; no fearof failure; providing time and resources; developing expertise; giving positive, constructivefeedback that is work or task focussed; encouraging a spirit of play and experimentation;providing a mix of styles and backgrounds with opportunities for group interaction; makinga safe place for risk taking; allowing free choice in task engagement; offering rewards thatrecognise achievements or enable additional performance but maintain intrinsic motivationrather than controlling behaviour.The activities identified as creativity frequently involve acquiring new methods or skills andusing expert knowledge. However, accessing the necessary skills is seen as one of the difficultiesin applying creativity. Thomas et al (2002) suggests there is a widening gap betweenthe degree of flexibility and creativity needed to adapt to a changing world and the capacityto do so. Difficulties are based on:• individuals or groups not engaging in effective and efficient processes of innovativedesign. As examples of structuring failure, people typically fail to spend sufficient timein the early stages of design: problem finding and problem formulation, then often bringcritical judgment into play too early in the idea generation phase of problem solving. Asanother example, empirical evidence shows that people’s behaviour is path-dependentand they are often unwilling to take what appears to be a step that undoes a previousaction even if that step is actually necessary for a solution (Thomas et al, 1977)• the necessary skills, talents, and knowledge sources are not brought to bear on the problem;evidence suggests individuals have a large amount of relevant implicit knowledgeand that providing appropriate strategies, knowledge sources or representations cansignificantly improve an individual’s effectiveness in problem solving and innovation.Greene (2002) suggests that existing bodies of knowledge that can be readily accessed,examined, visualised, related, and discussed, would seem to be a key component inenabling creativity• the appropriate level, type, and directionality of motivation are not brought to bear.The effect of increased motivation interacts with personality, complexity, novelty, andwhether the motivation is intrinsic or extrinsic (Amabile, 1983).The relationship between creativity and instruction has also been a focus of research: schooland work environments may be seen to inhibit the transformation of early talent (with mostyoung children under 5 years being very creative) to adult creativity (Amabile, 1996). Schoolingat the age of starting formal education emphasises logical rather than divergent thinking,124

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