Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University


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1. What type of information does the student preferentially perceive: sensory (sights,sounds, physical sensations) or intuitive (memories, thoughts, insights)?2. What type of sensory information is most effectively perceived: visual (pictures, diagrams,flow charts, demonstrations) or verbal (written and spoken explanations)?3. How does the student prefer to process information: actively (through engagement inphysical activity or discussion) or reflectively (through introspection)?4. How does the student characteristically progress toward understanding: sequentially(in a logical progression of incremental steps) or globally (in large ‘big picture’ jumps)?The dimensions (described below) are assessed as a continuum where a learner may be locatedat any point on the axis between the two extremes:• Active/Reflective This dimension refers to processing of information. Active learnerslearn better by doing something active - discussing the material, explaining it tosomeone, or using it to solve problems. Reflective learners learn better by thinkingabout the material before trying to explain or use it• Sensing/Intuitive This dimension refers to ways of receiving information – sensinglearners like to memorise facts and solve problems using well-established methods. Theytend to be concrete, practical, methodical, and oriented toward facts and hands-onprocedures. Intuitive learners prefer discovering relationships and using innovativeproblem-solving approaches. They tend to work fast and be innovative and can oftenhandle abstract and mathematical concepts well• Visual/Verbal This dimension refers to ways of perceiving sensory information. Visuallearners retain more from things they see - pictures, diagrams, flow charts, etc whileverbal learners get more out of words (written and spoken explanations)• Sequential/Global This dimension refers to progress toward understanding – sequentiallearners gain understanding in linear, logical steps, and are able to function withonly partial understanding of material they have been taught. Global learners thinkin a systems-oriented manner, and may have trouble applying new material until theyfully understand it and see how it relates to material they already know about andunderstand. They tend to learn almost random pieces of material, then suddenly ‘getit’. Then, however, their holistic perspective enables them to see innovative solutionsto problems that sequential learners might take much longer to reach, if they get thereat all.233

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