Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University


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WEAKNESSES of the paper:The results in the paper reflect contemporary thinking inrequirements engineering texts. That is, the result isunsurprising, particularly to anyone with industry experience.ACTIONABLE ADVICE (HOW to overcome the weaknesses and improvethe paper):The major weakness is also a useful finding and there is nothing ofsubstance that can or should be done to change the paper.I would suggest, however, that any further research shouldaddress curriculum design for postgraduate software and systemsengineering programs designed for experienced professionalsrather then undergraduate programs. The postgraduate programscould then be targeted at people who possess the unteachablecompetencies and who have had sufficient experience to integratethe university declarative knowledge with their on-the-jobprocedural knowledge. It would also be worth comparing theindustry needs analysis data with such postgraduateprograms.A second reviewer concurs:STRENGTHS of the paper:I have much admiration for the authors in attempting to bring somerealism into the teaching of software engineering. From what I’veseen in Australia, which isn’t too much, how students are taughtis generally poor compared to how students are taught in Europe,at least in my experience. So kudos for the authors for attempting this.The paper gives an honest appraisal of results thus far and isagain applauded for this.324

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