Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University


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choice continue to be drawn from the different traditions described by Wegner, with theprimary techniques including:• theorem proof – this applies formal methods to mathematical abstractions, in order todemonstrate that, within a tightly defined model, a specific relationship exists amongelements of that model• simulation – the study of a simplified, formal model of a complex environment, in orderto perform experimentation not possible in a real-world setting• laboratory experimentation – involves the creation of an artificial environment, in orderto isolate and control for potentially confounding variables.Some researchers see the need to resolve this tension, and approach CS research from a morescientific perspective, which presupposes a body of theory; an explicit theoretical frameworkto guide research; a defined research question; explicit refutable hypotheses; and a researchmethod that applies well-defined research techniques in order to enable hypotheses to betested. Tichy (1993, p 40) is most persuasive in his argument for scientific CS research:Without experiments in the tradition of science, computer science is in dangerof drying up and becoming an auxiliary discipline.... As computer science leavesadolescence behind, I hope to see the experimental branch flourishing.Others revel in the paradigm shift they see occurring – from computer scientistshistorically identified either as mathematicians (ah, the purity) or physicists (prettygood purity and much better government funding); but if you look at the kinds ofproblems we are trying to solve now (bunches of different aspects of the securityproblem, privacy, usability of pervasive computers, changing business models,e-voting) it seems pretty clear that the key issues relate to people and the waythey communicate and organize themselves, rather than discovering the underlyingphysical laws of the universe – in short, the domain of social sciences. ...Could a ‘social science’ perspective be a better lens through which to view computerscience – and could this in turn clarify the ways in which software engineering,like other engineering disciplines, applies the results of underlying science?(Pincus, 2005)Information Systems researchIn Information Systems, the tension may be described, somewhat simplistically, by consideringthe philosophical underpinnings:180

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