Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University


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comments that graduate practitioners need to be able to adapt what they have learntto different contexts, and with concerns regarding how RE is practiced.The Apprenticeship model appeared reasonably effective in this regard: students wereable to learn the tools of the discipline they were exposed to and apply them appropriately.The grades they achieved attest to this conclusion, both within the unit, and ina follow-on where this knowledge was necessary.However, students appeared reluctant to take control of their learning: in ENG260their performance on components of the unit that were less directed (eg elements ofthe portfolio), indicated they were less inclined to devote the time required to completethese. In the follow-on unit this perception was more explicit – student concernsregarding the open nature of the learning environment supported thisPedagogy the workshop component of the model was deemed effective for some students butneeds refinement to address difficulties experienced by other students. Although I havedata on student learning styles, a deeper understanding of the assumptions studentsmake about the learning environment is necessary.My effectiveness therefore in promoting the objectives is only partial: while studentsappeared more confident, in subsequent units, in applying the knowledge they hadgained, they still expected to be taught: that is, the master/apprentice relationshipwas assumed even if no longer appropriate. Alternative strategies for situated learningneed to be explored. However, these need to enhance the gains made through theApprenticeship modelInstructional students expressed concerns about the spiral nature of the curriculum – forsome this was boring. Others commented on the amount of preparation required (egreading, completing exercises) to support attendance at class. This suggests the instructionalaspect of the curriculum should be examined to determine alignment betweenits components.Reporting findingsAn internal review of ENG260 was undertaken towards the end of 2002. In the context ofthe refinement of the SE curriculum within Engineering, the findings of the Apprenticeshipmodel were described and discussed with the Professor of Software Engineering and other SEcolleagues. The purpose of such meetings was to ensure a holistic approach to the curriculumwas maintained, to provide feedback on the success or otherwise of learning strategies appliedbased on the cohort’s performance in subsequent units, and to identify implications of such269

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