Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University


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equired them to either consult with the client (who was only minimally available) or findout for themselves.From the perspective of the students undertaking this unit, the work environment was familiar– the group work environment, location, teacher and learning model were all basedon ENG301. Students were required to undertake reflective activity logs, minute meetingsand rotate the role of project manager (who both set the milestones and scheduled the workfor that milestone). It was the cohort’s decision whether a final exam would be scheduled– it depended on their ability to present and demonstrate a product by the exam period,with a decision required by Week 10 of semester. An exam has not been set since this choicehas been provided to students – it indicates (and the activity logs confirm) strong intrinsicmotivation.8.3.1 ENG302: students as advanced learnersAs noted above, data in this phase was based on collection of mainly qualitative data –students completed a reflection at the end of each week, attached to a chart of activitybreakdown. In addition, an interaction schedule was completed for several sessions. Althoughnominally quantitative, in fact recording of interactions is based on the observer’sinterpretation of the action. These are discussed in the next sections.Interaction SchedulesFigures 8.12, 8.14, and 8.16 provide the data of student interaction over three separate Studiosessions (see Table8.7 for a more readable list of the interactions logged).Figure 8.12: Interaction schedule ENG302 session 1The first session logged has team members constructing their understanding of the problemenvironment. Figure 8.13 provides a visual representation of the coded interactions.In general students worked individually, accessing resources online and in texts, and ‘touchedbase’ with the lecturer and with other team members only intermittently. Of the totalinteractions logged (n = 91) 22% involved the teacher. Over 48% of the interactions hadsome students working individually, while only 4.4% of the interactions can be considered368

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