Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University


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in the learning theory behind the model and in facilitation techniques). While it is clearfrom the literature (eg Barrows (1986) and Woods (1996a)) that an understanding of theunderpinning pedagogical basics is necessary, as are special facilitation skills, it has resourceimplications within the tightening finance environment prevailing at many universities. Inan Australian context the implication is even greater, given <strong>University</strong> academics are notrequired to have or obtain teaching qualifications. A ‘reward’ structure that acknowledgesefforts in this area may go some way to addressing this issue. Future research should addressthis issue.Another issue revolves around the nature of the learning environment developed during thisproject. Prior to 2003 students were able to undertake ENG260 externally. They had successfullycompleted the unit from Germany, USA, Melbourne as well as from Perth with theresearcher/lecturer-in-charge in Europe. The PBL environment established assumed, however,same place same time interaction between students (as opposed to the lecturer or the‘virtual secondment’). In the development of a new learning environment this was considereda sensible (as well as less risky) approach. Lee and Kim (2005) are the latest to suggest interactingwith computer-mediated protocols can make it difficult for students in a web-basedcollaborative environment to negotiate the shared meaning necessary for effective learning.In addition, poor communications channels may make it difficult for learners to performcognitive activities when solving problems through social interaction.Although the Department review mentioned above mandated internal enrolment only for allDesign Studios, this may be considered a backward step. Future research should examinethe place for distributed Studio Learning and the infrastructure required to support it.The outcomes noted above are based on Requirements Engineering education and practicein a specific context. Nevertheless, when viewed in the context of the literature and theperspectives of practitioners, the importance of effective alignment between education andpractice should be broadly applicable. The research establishes a relationship between thecharacteristics of the discipline and established models of learning. It also goes some way toconfirming that there is a relationship between characteristics exhibited by learners and thelearning environment provided.It is feasible, therefore, to hypo<strong>thesis</strong>e that an alignment between discipline and the learningmodel in the first instance and between the learning model and the students engagedin it is crucial to the development of competent practitioners. This hypo<strong>thesis</strong>, modelledconceptually in Figure 9.3 is deserving of testing in the wider discipline/education area.It is also feasible to hypo<strong>thesis</strong>e that other disciplines would benefit from an investigation ofthe alignment between their characteristics and education for its practitioners. Where pro-414

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