Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University

Complete thesis - Murdoch University


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crete experience (CE) / abstract conceptualisation (AC)) and how they process information(active experimentation (AE) / reflective observation (RO)). Based on experiential learningtheory, the LSI identifies four basic learning styles. These are defined as:• Accomodator: (concrete, active) What if?; efficient in carrying out plans and like gettinginvolved in new experiences; often start with what they see and feel then plunge inand seek hidden possibilities; learn by trial an error and self discovery; like applyingcourse material in new situations to solve real problems; the instructor should poseopen-ended questions and then get out of the way, maximising opportunities for thestudents to discover things for themselves. Problem-based learning is considered anideal pedagogical strategy for these students (Felder and Brent, 2005)• Converger: (abstract, active) How?; good at problem solving, decision making, and thepractical application of ideas; start with an idea and try it out, they like to find outhow things work; learn by testing theories; respond to having opportunities to workactively on well-defined tasks and to learn by trial-and-error in an environment thatallows them to fail safely; the instructor should function as a coach, providing guidedpractice and feedback in the methods being taught• Diverger: (concrete, reflective) Why or why not?; good imaginative ability and awarenessof meaning and values; study life as it is and reflect on it to seek meaning; learn bybeing involved and need to listen and share with others, respond well to explanationsof how course material relates to their experience, interests, and future careers; theinstructor should function as a motivator• Assimilator: (abstract, reflective) What?; good at inductive reasoning and creatingtheoretical models; come up with ideas and then reflect on them; like to know what theexperts think; respond to information presented in an organised, logical fashion andbenefit if they are given time for reflection; the instructor should function as an expert.This instrument has been shown to be both reliable (ie consistent results are obtained inrepeated assessments) and valid (ie the instrument measures what it is intended to measure)within an engineering context (see Felder and Brent (2005) for a discussion of the relevantstudies).Index of Learning Styles (ILS)Soloman and Felder (1999)’s Index of Learning Styles is a self-scoring instrument, developedfor use especially in the engineering and science disciplines, that assesses preferences on fourdifferent dimensions through the answer to these four questions:232

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