J - Monroeville

J - Monroeville

J - Monroeville


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• Cooperated with federal, state, and local police departments on multiple narcotic andburglary task force investigations.• Conducted monthly police supervisor meetings.• Chief Cole is a member of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Region 13 Grouprepresenting law enforcement interests.• Participated in the Celebrate <strong>Monroeville</strong> night.• Provided direct supervision of DUI Task Force operations.• Continued to cooperate with the FBI to run the outdoor firing range and the indoor trainingbuilding. The 60 by 120 foot training building has movable walls to accommodate a numberof scenarios with different floor plan layouts. We also have a place to clean our weapons onsite and have a facility with restrooms and showers.• Maintained a School Resource Officer full time.• Continued to up-date the Alert TS computer aided dispatch and records managementsystem. This new system records all records in electronic format and manages evidenceelectronically.• Continued to manage the <strong>Monroeville</strong> Public Safety Training Center. This includesgenerating funds, bUdgeting and scheduling of courses.• Narrowband the radio frequency to meet the new FCC standards that will take effect Jan 1,2013. The Municipality is currently in compliance.• Purchased and issued new portable radios to meet the narrowband mandate.• Purchased and placed in service four new police vehicles.• Placed in service new Panasonic CF-31 computers, docking stations, and modems in allpatrol vehicles.POLICE CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION 2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS:• Participated in major criminal investigations involving multiple arrests. Continued tocooperate with federal, state and local law enforcement agencies in ongoing criminalinvestigations.• Conducted the yearly audit and disposition of evidence according to the policy. This includedthe destruction of firearms, thereby, reducing the potential liability or prevention of anaccident or a weapon getting into the wrong hands.• Continue to use Alert TS evidence management system to better inventory and trackevidence.• Continued the practice of seizing criminal assets in order to fund ongoing investigations andcapital expenditures.• Cooperated in Grand Jury investigations that solved numerous burglaries and resulted innumerous arrests.• Continued to track and document all PA Megan's Law Offenders who work and live in theMunicipality.• Continued to monitor all pawn shops and jewelry stores that are required to report to thepolice department through sales receipts.POLICE TRAINING DIVISION 2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS:)• Officers have been updated in the following areas through the yearly and mandatory inservicetraining:a) Accident investigation.b) Domestic violence.c) Use of force.d) Firearms training and qualifications.e) Vehicle code updates.- 11 -

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