Simple Nature - Light and Matter

Simple Nature - Light and Matter

Simple Nature - Light and Matter

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The airbag increases ∆tso as to reduce F = ∆p/∆t.less. Dividing by this much smaller ∆t gives a much larger force,perhaps thous<strong>and</strong>s of newtons (with a negative sign).This is also the principle of airbags in cars. The time requiredfor the airbag to decelerate your head is fairly long: the time ittakes your face to travel 20 or 30 cm. Without an airbag, your facewould have hit the dashboard, <strong>and</strong> the time interval would havebeen the much shorter time taken by your skull to move a couple ofcentimeters while your face compressed. Note that either way, thesame amount of momentum is transferred: the entire momentum ofyour head.Force is defined as a derivative, <strong>and</strong> the derivative of a sum isthe sum of the derivatives. Therefore force is additive: when morethan one force acts on an object, you add the forces to find outwhat happens. An important special case is that forces can cancel.Consider your body sitting in a chair as you read this book. Letthe positive x axis be upward. The chair’s upward force on youis represented with a positive number, which cancels out with theearth’s downward gravitational force, which is negative. The totalrate of momentum transfer into your body is zero, <strong>and</strong> your bodydoesn’t change its momentum.Finding momentum from force example 21⊲ An object of mass m starts at rest at t = t o . A force varying asF = bt −2 , where b is a constant, begins acting on it. Find thegreatest speed it will ever have.⊲F = dpdtdp = F dt∫p = F dt + p o= − b t + p o ,where p o is a constant of integration. The given initial conditionis that p = 0 at t = t o , so we find that p o = b/t o . The negativeterm gets closer to zero with increasing time, so the maximummomentum is achieved by letting t approach infinity. That is, theobject will never stop speeding up, but it will also never surpass acertain speed. In the limit t → ∞, we identify p o as the momentumthat the object will approach asymptotically. The maximumvelocity is v = p o /m = b/mt o .Discussion QuestionA Many collisions, like the collision of a bat with a baseball, appear tobe instantaneous. Most people also would not imagine the bat <strong>and</strong> ball asbending or being compressed during the collision. Consider the followingpossibilities:146 Chapter 3 Conservation of Momentum

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