Simple Nature - Light and Matter

Simple Nature - Light and Matter

Simple Nature - Light and Matter

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Three dimensionsFor simplicity, we’ve been considering the Schrödinger equationin one dimension, so that Ψ is only a function of x, <strong>and</strong> has units ofm −1/2 rather than m −3/2 . Since the Schrödinger equation is a statementof conservation of energy, <strong>and</strong> energy is a scalar, the generalizationto three dimensions isn’t particularly complicated. The totalenergy term E ·Ψ <strong>and</strong> the interaction energy term U ·Ψ involve nothingbut scalars, <strong>and</strong> don’t need to be changed at all. In the kineticenergy term, however, we’re essentially basing our computation ofthe kinetic energy on the squared magnitude of the momentum, p 2 x,<strong>and</strong> in three dimensions this would clearly have to be generalized top 2 x +p 2 y +p 2 z. The obvious way to achieve this is to replace the secondderivative d 2 Ψ/ dx 2 with the sum ∂ 2 Ψ/∂x 2 + ∂ 2 Ψ/∂y 2 + ∂ 2 Ψ/∂z 2 .Here the partial derivative symbol ∂, introduced on page 216, indicatesthat when differentiating with respect to a particular variable,the other variables are to be considered as constants. This operationon the function Ψ is notated ∇ 2 Ψ, <strong>and</strong> the derivative-like operator∇ 2 = ∂ 2 /∂x 2 + ∂ 2 /∂y 2 + ∂ 2 /∂z 2 is called the Laplacian. It occurselswehere in physics. For example, in classical electrostatics, thevoltage in a region of vacuum must be a solution of the equation∇ 2 V = 0. Like the second derivative, the Laplacian is essentially ameasure of curvature.Examples of the Laplacian in two dimensions example 20⊲ Compute the Laplacians of the following functions in two dimensions,<strong>and</strong> interpret them: A = x 2 + y 2 , B = −x 2 − y 2 , C = x 2 − y 2 .⊲ The first derivative of function A with respect to x is ∂A/∂x =2x. Since y is treated as a constant in the computation of thepartial derivative ∂/∂x, the second term goes away. The secondderivative of A with respect to x is ∂ 2 A/∂x 2 = 2. Similarly we have∂ 2 A/∂y 2 = 2, so ∇ 2 A = 4.All derivative operators, including ∇ 2 , have the linear propertythat multiplying the input function by a constant just multiplies theoutput function by the same constant. Since B = −A, <strong>and</strong> wehave ∇ 2 B = −4.For function C, the x term contributes a second derivative of 2,but the y term contributes −2, so ∇ 2 C = 0.The interpretation of the positive sign in ∇ 2 A = 4 is that A’s graphis shaped like a trophy cup, <strong>and</strong> the cup is concave up. The negativesign in the result for ∇ 2 B is because B is concave down.Function C is shaped like a saddle. Since its curvature alongone axis is concave up, but the curvature along the other is down<strong>and</strong> equal in magnitude, the function is considered to have zeroconcavity over all.872 Chapter 13 Quantum Physics

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