Simple Nature - Light and Matter

Simple Nature - Light and Matter

Simple Nature - Light and Matter

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j / Dependence of the amplitude<strong>and</strong> phase angle on the drivingfrequency. The undamped caseis Q = ∞, <strong>and</strong> the other curvesrepresent Q=1, 3, <strong>and</strong> 10. F m , m,<strong>and</strong> ω o are all set to 1.lower values of Q, like Q = 1, the A − ω curve doesn’t even have amaximum near ω > 0.An opera singer breaking a wineglass example 46In order to break a wineglass by singing, an opera singer mustfirst tap the glass to find its natural frequency of vibration, <strong>and</strong>then sing the same note back, so that her driving force will producea response with the greatest possible amplitude. If she’sshopping for the right glass to use for this display of her prowess,she should look for one that has the greatest possible Q, sincethe resonance curve has a higher maximum for higher values ofQ.Section 3.3 Resonance 181

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