Simple Nature - Light and Matter

Simple Nature - Light and Matter

Simple Nature - Light and Matter

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object that diffracts it, so the triangle is long <strong>and</strong> skinny. Most realworldexamples with diffraction of light, in fact, would have triangleswith even skinner proportions than this one. The two long sides aretherefore very nearly parallel, <strong>and</strong> we are justified in drawing theright triangle shown in figure o, labeling one leg of the right triangleas the difference in path length , L−L ′ , <strong>and</strong> labeling the acute angleas θ. (In reality this angle is a tiny bit greater than the one labeledθ in figure n.)The difference in path length is related to d <strong>and</strong> θ by the equationL − L ′d= sin θ .Constructive interference will result in a maximum at angles forwhich L − L ′ is an integer number of wavelengths,L − L ′ = mλ . [condition for a maximum;m is an integer]Here m equals 0 for the central maximum, −1 for the first maximumto its left, +2 for the second maximum on the right, etc. Puttingall the ingredients together, we find mλ/d = sin θ, orλd = sin θm. [condition for a maximum;m is an integer]Similarly, the condition for a minimum isp / Cutting d in half doublesthe angles of the diffractionfringes.q / Double-slit diffraction patternsof long-wavelength red light(top) <strong>and</strong> short-wavelength bluelight (bottom).λd = sin θm. [condition for a minimum;m is an integer plus 1/2]That is, the minima are about halfway between the maxima.As expected based on scaling, this equation relates angles to theunitless ratio λ/d. Alternatively, we could say that we have proventhe scaling property in the special case of double-slit diffraction. Itwas inevitable that the result would have these scaling properties,since the whole proof was geometric, <strong>and</strong> would have been equallyvalid when enlarged or reduced on a photocopying machine!Counterintuitively, this means that a diffracting object withsmaller dimensions produces a bigger diffraction pattern, p.788 Chapter 12 Optics

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