Simple Nature - Light and Matter

Simple Nature - Light and Matter

Simple Nature - Light and Matter

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significant amount of heat to flow from the hot areas to the coldareas. (This is analogous to insulated compression or expansionof a heat engine; in general, a compression or expansion of thistype, with no transfer of heat, is called adiabatic.) The pressure<strong>and</strong> volume of a particular little piece of the air are therefore relatedaccording to P ∝ V −γ . The cycle of oscillation consistsof motion back <strong>and</strong> forth along a single curve in the P-V plane,<strong>and</strong> since this curve encloses zero volume, no mechanical workis being done: the wave (under the assumed ideal conditions)propagates without any loss of energy due to friction.The speed of sound is also related to γ.p. 375.See example 13 onMeasuring γ using the “spring of air” example 24Figure c shows an experiment that can be used to measure theγ of a gas. When the mass m is inserted into bottle’s neck,which has cross-sectional area A, the mass drops until it compressesthe air enough so that the pressure is enough to supportits weight. The observed frequency ω of oscillations about thisequilibrium position y o can be used to extract the γ of the gas.c / Example 24.ω 2 = k m= − 1 m= − A m= − A2mdFdydPdy∣∣yo∣dPdV∣yo∣∣VoWe make the bottle big enough so that its large surface-to-volumeratio prevents the conduction of any significant amount of heatthrough its walls during one cycle, so P ∝ V −γ , <strong>and</strong> dP/ dV =−γP/V . Thus,ω 2 = γ A2mP oV oThe Helmholtz resonator example 25When you blow over the top of a beer bottle, you produce a puretone. As you drink more of the beer, the pitch goes down. Thisis similar to example 24, except that instead of a solid mass msitting inside the neck of the bottle, the moving mass is the airitself. As air rushes in <strong>and</strong> out of the bottle, its velocity is highestat the bottleneck, <strong>and</strong> since kinetic energy is proportional to thesquare of the velocity, essentially all of the kinetic energy is thatof the air that’s in the neck. In other words, we can replace m with332 Chapter 5 Thermodynamics

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