Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement — Policy and ... - CEPA

Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement — Policy and ... - CEPA

Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement — Policy and ... - CEPA

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the different parties, <strong>and</strong> recognising all their needs in doing so. Many of thepartners who contributed to the study from the district, <strong>and</strong> many otherswho were involved in the sharing of the study results, recognise the need tobe sensitive to different group needs <strong>and</strong> to mitigate conflict by being seennot to discriminate. Despite this renewed recognition of the depth <strong>and</strong> thebreadth of need in the district, other development institutions seek tosupport one group over the other, contributing to the tension in the district.Peace CommitteesOther informal structures were created by communities to intervene in theconflicts. Often these special peace committees were made up of localreligious <strong>and</strong> community leaders. Their resolutions were accepted by theparties to the disputes <strong>and</strong> their recommendations were heeded by the widercommunity. Puttalam has a tradition of peace committees forming, ‘resolving,then dissolving’. These structures were by far the most effective at dealingwith local disputes. They grew out of the communities themselves toresolve their disputes. They understood the identities <strong>and</strong> their dynamics,<strong>and</strong> sought common ground between conflicting parties. The study stronglyrecommends this system as a practice <strong>and</strong> a template for other communitieswho seek to manage difficult situations. The study recommends further thatnew structures do not replace these bespoke committees but rather workthrough them for acceptable community solutions to their problems.3.2 Keeping Peace − Maintaining Peace Over TimeThe study found that disputes <strong>and</strong> violence do take place in Puttalam despitethe external appearance of it being a peaceful district. The existence ofconflict has also led to the creation of different local mechanisms for dealingwith conflict <strong>and</strong> maintaining a relative peace. Despite the challengesoutlined above, their relative success can be built on. The study also foundsignificant commitment among local individuals, community representatives<strong>and</strong> community organisations to deal with conflict positively. In contrast, thestudy also found others who sought to inflame conflict in order to bolstertheir political support <strong>and</strong> maintain their powerbase. These individuals <strong>and</strong>groups prevent many of the conflicts examined from being permanently <strong>and</strong>comprehensively resolved.122

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