Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement — Policy and ... - CEPA

Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement — Policy and ... - CEPA

Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement — Policy and ... - CEPA

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like tea, rubber <strong>and</strong> cinnamon have difficulties in cultivating the remainingsmall areas of l<strong>and</strong>.That l<strong>and</strong> was highly productive. It was cultivated with extension services<strong>and</strong> subsidies from the government. What is left now is just a strip of l<strong>and</strong>.We cannot cultivate cinnamon on that any more. We ab<strong>and</strong>oned it.- Cinnamon cultivator, HomagamaThose that are on a recovery path are those with large holdings who,irrespective of the proportion lost, were able to absorb the loss either byincreasing the productivity of the remaining l<strong>and</strong> or replacing l<strong>and</strong> with thecompensation.The AP lost 279 perches of cinnamon l<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> purchased approximately120 perches as replacement l<strong>and</strong> using the compensation money. Theproductivity of the new l<strong>and</strong> is higher as the new l<strong>and</strong> was a young cultivationas against the cultivation on the l<strong>and</strong> that was acquired.- Field enumerator notes, WelipitiyaAPs with smaller holdings were more easily demotivated <strong>and</strong> cultivating smallplots resulted in dis-economies of scale.Large compensation paymentCompensation was decided based on factors such as location of the l<strong>and</strong> inproximity to a developed area, size of the lot, method of livelihood for whichthe l<strong>and</strong> was used (crop type, level of commercial establishment), value ofbuilding/structures on the lot <strong>and</strong> ownership type.Where relocation has happened, larger compensation has contributed torecovery. There is greater possibility of buying new l<strong>and</strong> or assets. It alsoprovides cushioning to subsist on during the recovery period.In comparison to the compensation given for commercial properties, houses<strong>and</strong> agriculture cash crop properties, the compensation given to paddy l<strong>and</strong>shas been less. Most of the paddy l<strong>and</strong>s received low compensation <strong>and</strong> thecompensation varied, with higher value given in urban areas like Homagama<strong>and</strong> Maharagama <strong>and</strong> lower rates in rural areas like Imaduwa <strong>and</strong> Welipitiya.Given the nature of inheritance of paddy l<strong>and</strong>s, about 50% were jointlyowned <strong>and</strong> the compensation had to be divided among the many owners.52

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