Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement — Policy and ... - CEPA

Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement — Policy and ... - CEPA

Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement — Policy and ... - CEPA

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The participation <strong>and</strong> consultation principle was included in the design ofLARC which required every affected person to be called for a LARC sitting,set out the representation of committee members, <strong>and</strong> situated it within thedivisional secretariats.The RIP sets out the composition of LARC to enable representation ofspecialised technical knowledge (officials representing the Chief Valuer <strong>and</strong>Survey General), project knowledge (the Project <strong>Resettlement</strong> Officer),knowledge about the affected people <strong>and</strong> their interests (Grama Niladhari <strong>and</strong>the AP representative) as well as state administration under the leadership ofthe Divisional Secretary. However, the composition was changed in theCabinet Memor<strong>and</strong>um establishing LARC <strong>and</strong> the Grama Niladhari <strong>and</strong>representatives of affected persons were not included in the final composition.The affected persons (APs) <strong>and</strong> an accompanying relative/friend wereexpected to negotiate on their behalf.3 Participatory <strong>and</strong> Consultation Elements of LARCThe RIP required all affected persons to be called for a meeting with LARC.These m<strong>and</strong>atory meetings were held for all acquired lots eligible forcompensation. The fact that meetings were held with everyone, not onlythose who requested it or were dissatisfied with their compensationdetermination, is one of the strengths of LARC, which has helped to providea more equitable outcome in STDP compensation. In addition, the AP couldrequest for additional LARC meetings should there be any outst<strong>and</strong>ingissues. In the case of a deadlock in negotiations, the case moved to a higherlevel committee headed by the Secretary to the Ministry of Highways,termed ‘Super LARC’, or in more extreme cases, to the court of law.As shown through surveys, the usage <strong>and</strong> awareness of LARC amongaffected households is very high, <strong>and</strong> even households that did not know theinstitution by name had, in fact, attended the meeting at which their LARCentitlements had been decided <strong>and</strong> paid. Substantial effort was made topublicise the availability of LARC. In addition to individual notifications ofLARC meetings issued by the STDP, LARC dates were displayed on the noticeboards of the divisional secretariats <strong>and</strong> the STDP Regional Office. There wasalmost 100% attendance by affected persons in the LARC process with onlya few exceptions, such as where the acquired lot size (<strong>and</strong> thereforeexpected compensation) was very small.168

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