Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement — Policy and ... - CEPA

Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement — Policy and ... - CEPA

Involuntary Displacement and Resettlement — Policy and ... - CEPA

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The location of the LARC meeting at the divisional secretariats facilitatedpublic access, as this is the most localised level of public administrationaccepted as a place of state authority, while being a non-threateningenvironment which is open to <strong>and</strong> frequented by the public.While LARC was set up primarily to consider (monetary) compensationrelated to loss of assets, in reality it was a forum to present any type ofgrievance related to resettlement <strong>and</strong> replacement. These meetingsprovided the affected households with the space to present issues not justrelating to their physical assets but also regarding their family situation,particular hardships or issues such as disability or poverty or other losseswhich are difficult to capture in an asset valuation. In extreme cases it alsoenabled vulnerable members of the household to make a case to protectthemselves from not being able to access the benefits of compensation.It was a divided l<strong>and</strong> (bedunu idamak). And there were conflicts amongthe owners. Even for little things like a jackfruit tree there were quarrels. Atleast [the project] gave me a l<strong>and</strong> to live. Now we have l<strong>and</strong> of our own.There are no demarcation problems. (dan hawl prashna nehe)…- Householder, female, age 52There is no substantive evidence to suggest that gender, age or incomelevels were excessively constraining factors in accessing LARC or negotiating.Negotiations have, in general, favoured two contrasting groups. One washouseholds that were seen by the Committee to be particularly vulnerable<strong>and</strong> ‘asarana’ 7 , i.e. in difficult circumstances. Examination of LARC meetingrecords shows that there are cases where the committee has providedmaximum support within the entitlement framework to such households.The other was households with good information <strong>and</strong> strong personalitieswho succeeded in negotiating in their favour.I searched for information <strong>and</strong> got to know that others have been paid well.Then I asked them why I have been paid less. The first estimate was onlyRs.1,300 per perch. I continuously wrote to all those officers <strong>and</strong>authorities related to STDP. Then they estimated Rs. 2,000 per perch. Ididn’t give up the attempt <strong>and</strong> continued to appeal to all possibleauthorities. Finally they agreed to pay Rs.7, 000 per perch. I only acceptedit when they sent me a letter informing that my compensation was going tobe cancelled.- Householder, female, age 557‘Asarana’ carries an extended meaning of being helpless/vulnerable <strong>and</strong> innocent.169

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