1+2/2010 - Společnost pro pojivové tkáně

1+2/2010 - Společnost pro pojivové tkáně

1+2/2010 - Společnost pro pojivové tkáně


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family history of scoliosis. Mothers of 2% ofexamined children were previously treatedwith scoliosis.6. New classification.Three etiopathological(epg) groups ofdevelopment of scoliosis(I epg, II/A epg,II/B epg and III epg)Fig. 7, 8. Model of hips movements in III epg – “stiffness of spine” in lumbar and thoracic part ofspine. Two different cases & phazes of deformity: Rotation deformity. Small curves and small ribhump but large spine stiffness. Very often “back pain” in older patients. On the picture on right side –lordotic deformity of thoracic spine. Causative factor – gait.34LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM vol. 17, <strong>2010</strong>, No. <strong>1+2</strong>

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