Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARYCROSSCUTTING RESEARCH ISSUESThe microscopic basis of macroscopic complexity. Classical continuum mechanics relies on theassumption of a separation between the length scales of microscopic fluctuations <strong>and</strong>macroscopic motions. However, in geologic problems this scale separation often does not exist.There are instead fluctuations at all scales, <strong>and</strong> the resulting macroscopic behavior can then bequite complex. The essential need is to develop a scientific basis of “emergent” phenomenabased on the microscopic phenomena.Highly reactive subsurface materials <strong>and</strong> environments. The emplacement of energy systembyproducts into geological repositories perturbs temperature <strong>and</strong> pressure, imposes chemicalgradients, creates intense radiation fields, <strong>and</strong> can cause reactions that alter the minerals, porefluids, <strong>and</strong> emplaced materials. Strong interactions between the geochemical environment <strong>and</strong>emplaced materials are expected. New insight is needed on equilibria in compositionallycomplex systems, reaction kinetics in concentrated aqueous <strong>and</strong> other solutions, reaction kineticsunder near-equilibrium undersaturated <strong>and</strong> supersaturated conditions, <strong>and</strong> transient reactionkinetics.Thermodynamics of the solute-to-solid continuum. Reactions involving solutes, colloids,particles, <strong>and</strong> surfaces control the transport of chemical constituents in the subsurfaceenvironment. A rigorous structural, kinetic, <strong>and</strong> thermodynamic description of the complexchemical reality between the molecular <strong>and</strong> the macroscopic scale is a fundamental scientificchallenge. Advanced techniques are needed <strong>for</strong> characterizing particles in the nanometer-tomicrometersize range, combined with a new description of chemical thermodynamics that doesnot rely on a sharp distinction between solutes <strong>and</strong> solids.TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC IMPACTThe Gr<strong>and</strong> Challenges, Priority <strong>Research</strong> Directions, <strong>and</strong> Crosscutting Issues described in thisreport define a science-based approach to underst<strong>and</strong>ing the long-term behavior of subsurfacegeologic systems in which anthropogenic CO 2 <strong>and</strong> nuclear materials could be stored. Theresearch areas are rich with opportunities to build fundamental knowledge of the physics,chemistry, <strong>and</strong> materials science of geologic systems that will have impacts well beyond thespecific applications. The proposed research is based on development of a new level ofunderst<strong>and</strong>ing—physical, chemical, biological, mathematical, <strong>and</strong> computational—of processesthat happen at the microscopic scale of atoms, molecules <strong>and</strong> mineral surfaces, <strong>and</strong> how thoseprocesses translate to material behavior over large length scales <strong>and</strong> on ultra-long time scales.Addressing the basic science issues described would revolutionize our ability to underst<strong>and</strong>,simulate, <strong>and</strong> monitor all of the subsurface settings in which transport is critical, including themovement of contaminants, the emplacement of minerals, or the management of aquifers. Theresults of the research will have a wide range of implications from physics <strong>and</strong> chemistry, tomaterial science, biology <strong>and</strong> earth science.xii<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Needs</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Geosciences</strong>: Facilitating 21 st Century Energy Systems

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