Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

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PANEL REPORT: MODELING AND SIMULATION OF GEOLOGIC SYSTEMSCO 2 dissolving into the aqueous phase at early stages migrates away from the phase boundary bymolecular diffusion in the aqueous phase, which is a very slow process. Indeed, effectiveaqueous diffusivities in porous media are of the order of D eff = 10 -10 m 2 /s, so that a time period oft = 10 10 s ( 300 years) is required to achieve a penetration depth of z = (Dt) = 1 m. As hadbeen mentioned, CO 2 dissolution gives rise to a small increase in aqueous phase density, whichafter a certain “incubation time” can induce convective currents in the aqueous phase, whichremove CO 2 from the phase boundary <strong>and</strong> mix it throughout the permeable thickness of theaquifer at rates that can be orders of magnitude larger than those from molecular diffusion. TheDDC process of CO 2 dissolution, diffusion away from the phase boundary in the aqueous phase<strong>and</strong> subsequent convective transport of CO 2 , is a typical example of a multiscale process (Ennis-King et al. 2005). The early onset of convective instability occurs on the scale of a few pores.Convective plumes can continually grow over time until eventually they reach a scale of tens ofmeters or more. The process has been analyzed by applying stability theory to idealizedgeometric shapes subject to highly simplified boundary conditions. High-resolution numericalmodeling <strong>for</strong> onset <strong>and</strong> growth of the convective instability has been per<strong>for</strong>med <strong>for</strong> similarlyidealized systems (see Figure 18; Ennis-King <strong>and</strong> Paterson 2003; Riaz et al. 2006). We currentlyhave no methods that would allow an accurate modeling of the process <strong>for</strong> a field-scale domain.“Brute <strong>for</strong>ce” approaches using high-resolution space discretization are not expected to befeasible with any <strong>for</strong>eseeable increase in computing power. Indeed, if 1 cm spatial resolution isrequired, 1 billion grid blocks will provide coverage <strong>for</strong> only a 101010 m 3 domain, which fallsfar short of the several-kilometer scale required <strong>for</strong> design <strong>and</strong> per<strong>for</strong>mance assessment of CO 2storage systems.A key concern with geologic storage of CO 2 is secure containment. However, in industrial-scalestorage systems some leakage may be expected (see sidebar on CO 2 leakage), which may giverise to complex, coupled, physical <strong>and</strong> chemical processes on a broad range of space <strong>and</strong> timescales. Multiscale, multiphysics problems are also at the heart of underst<strong>and</strong>ing solute transportin heterogeneous media, especially when reactive processes are involved, such as sorption,redox, or colloid <strong>for</strong>mation.Focused research ef<strong>for</strong>ts are needed to develop modeling capabilities <strong>for</strong> subsurface processesacross multiple space <strong>and</strong> time scales to evaluate hazards <strong>and</strong> risks that may be associated withthe design, operation <strong>and</strong> monitoring of storage facilities <strong>and</strong> operations. Among the potentialbenefits of such research is a better underst<strong>and</strong>ing of rare events with potentially largeconsequences; i.e., can a large volume of high-pressure CO 2 stored underground give rise to arapid, large volume leak (Pruess 2007)? The modeling capabilities need to accurately representcoupled equilibrium <strong>and</strong> nonequilibrium processes with nonlinear feedbacks. Thermophysicalproperties of liquid-gas-solid mixtures need to be described accurately, using first-principlesbasedpredictions of chemical speciation, thermodynamics <strong>and</strong> chemical reactivity (see below).Stochastic effects need to be included in a realistic fashion. Scaleable algorithms are needed toallow efficient simulation on petascale computing plat<strong>for</strong>ms.<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Needs</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Geosciences</strong>: Facilitating 21 st Century Energy Systems 55

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