Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

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APPENDIX 1: TECHNICAL PERSPECTIVES RESOURCE DOCUMENTRamirez, A., Friedmann, S.J., Foxall, W.A., Kirkendall, B., <strong>and</strong> Dyer, K. (2006). Subsurface imaging of CO 2 plumesusing multiple data types <strong>and</strong> Bayesian inference, 5 th Annual Conference on Carbon Capture <strong>and</strong> Sequestration,Alex<strong>and</strong>ria, VA, ExchangeMonitor Publications.Reeves, S., Taillefert, A., Pekot, L., <strong>and</strong> Clarkson, C. (2003). The Allison Unit CO 2 —ECBM Pilot: A reservoirmodeling study. DE-FC26-0NT40924, Topical Report, U.S. Department of Energy.Riddi<strong>for</strong>d, F., Wright, I., Espie, T., <strong>and</strong> Torqui, A. (2004). Monitoring geological storage: In Salah Gas CO 2 StorageProject. 7 th International Greenhouse Gas Technology Conference, Vancouver, Canada.Rutqvist, J., Birkholzer, J., <strong>and</strong> Tsang, C. (2006). Modeling of geomechanical processes during injection in a multilayeredreservoir-caprock system <strong>and</strong> implications on site characterization. Proceedings, InternationalSymposium on Site Characterization <strong>for</strong> CO 2 Geological Storage, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,Berkeley, CA, 232–234.Saripalli, K.P., Mahasenan, N.M., <strong>and</strong> Cook, E.M. (2003). Risk <strong>and</strong> hazard assessment <strong>for</strong> projects involving thegeological sequestration of CO 2 . Proceedings of the 6 th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas ControlTechnologies (GHGT-6), ed. J. Gale <strong>and</strong> Y. Kaya, 1–4 October 2002, Kyoto, Japan, Pergamon, vol. 1, 511–516.Shipton, Z.K., Evans, J.P., Dockrill, B., Heath, J.E., Williams, A., Kirschner, D., <strong>and</strong> Kolesar, P.T. (2005). Naturalleaking CO 2 -charged systems as analogs <strong>for</strong> failed geologic sequestration reservoirs. The CO 2 Capture <strong>and</strong>Storage Project (CCP) II, D.C. Thomas <strong>and</strong> S.M. Benson, eds., Elsevier Science, 679–701.Shoesmith, D.W., Kolar, M., <strong>and</strong> King, F. (2003). A mixed-potential model to predict fuel (uranium dioxide)corrosion within a failed nuclear waste container. Corrosion 59 802–816.Skinner, L. (2003). CO 2 blowouts—An emerging problem: Well control <strong>and</strong> intervention. World Oil 224, 38–42.Smith, K.L., Lumpkin, G.R., Black<strong>for</strong>d, M.G., Day, R.A., <strong>and</strong> Hart, K.P. (1992). The durability of Synroc. Journalof Nuclear Materials 190, 287–294.Spycher, N., <strong>and</strong> Pruess, K. (2005). CO 2 -H 2 O mixtures in the geological sequestration of CO 2 . II. Partitioning inchloride brines at 12–100ºC <strong>and</strong> up to 600 bar. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69, 3309–3320.Stalkup, F.I. (1987). Displacement behavior of the condensing/vaporizing gas drive process. Society of PetroleumEngineers, SPE 16715.Stenhouse, M.J., Zhou, W., <strong>and</strong> Arthur, R. (2006). Site characterization needs from a risk assessment perspective.Proceedings, International Symposium on Site Characterization <strong>for</strong> CO 2 Geological Storage, LawrenceBerkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, 23–25.Stevens, S. (1999). Sequestration of CO 2 in depleted oil <strong>and</strong> gas fields: Barriers to overcome in implementation ofCO 2 capture <strong>and</strong> storage (disused oil <strong>and</strong> gas fields). IEA/CON/98/31, IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme.Streit, J.E., <strong>and</strong> Hillis, R.R. (2004). Estimating fault stability <strong>and</strong> sustainable fluid pressures <strong>for</strong> underground storageof CO 2 in porous rock. Energy 29, 1445–1456.Swift, P.N., <strong>and</strong> Corbet, T.F. (2000). The geologic <strong>and</strong> hydrogeologic setting of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.Reliability Engineering & System Safety 69 (1–3), 47–58.Thambimuthu, K., Soltanieh, M., <strong>and</strong> Abanades, J.C. (2005). Chapter 3: Capture. IPCC Special Report on CarbonDioxide Capture <strong>and</strong> Storage, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Interlachen, Switzerl<strong>and</strong>,http://www.ipcc.ch, pp. 3-1 to 3-114.U.S. Climate Change Technology Program (CCTP) (2006). Strategic Plan. September 2006, 224 p.,http://www.climatetechnology.gov/stratplan/final/index.htmVan Iseghem, P. (2001). Glass in Its Disposal Environment: Proceedings of the International Topical Workshop onGlass in its Disposal Environment—Bruges, Belgium, April 11–14, 2000. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Belgium.Watson, M.N., Boreham, C.J., <strong>and</strong> Tingate, P.R. (2004). Carbon dioxide <strong>and</strong> carbonate elements in the OtwayBasin: Implications <strong>for</strong> geological storage of carbon dioxide. The APPEA Journal 44 (1), 703–720.Wilson, E.J., Friedmann, S.J., <strong>and</strong> Pollak, M.F. (2007 in press). <strong>Research</strong> <strong>for</strong> deployment: Incorporating risk,regulation, <strong>and</strong> liability <strong>for</strong> carbon capture <strong>and</strong> sequestration. Environmental Science <strong>and</strong> Technology.<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Needs</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Geosciences</strong>: Facilitating 21 st Century Energy Systems Appendix 1 • 53

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