Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

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PANEL REPORT: SUBSURFACE CHARACTERIZATIONThe issue of sensitivity is especially important <strong>for</strong> early identification of time-lapse changes inthe subsurface. Early identification of changes can be important <strong>for</strong> effectively managingsubsurface reservoirs. The capability to detect minute changes is also of importance <strong>for</strong> earlywarning <strong>and</strong> mitigation of natural hazards. In many monitoring problems, one seeks to detect aminute change in the properties. For example, if 1% of the CO 2 leaks from a sequestration site inone year, then 70% of the CO 2 will escape in a century. In this application it will be necessary tomonitor with a much smaller detection threshold than currently is possible. It is possible in thelaboratory to measure changes in the seismic velocity with an accuracy of about 0.01% usinginterferometric techniques (Snieder et al. 2002), but these accuracies cannot yet be achievedunder field conditions.BASIC SCIENCE CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES AND RESEARCH NEEDSIntegrated characterization <strong>and</strong> modeling of complex geologic systems with large<strong>and</strong> diverse data setsSubsurface geologic structures are complicated but not r<strong>and</strong>om. For sedimentary rocks, <strong>for</strong>example, there is a wealth of data <strong>and</strong> models that relate sediment transport by rivers <strong>and</strong> oceancurrents to the mineralogy, texture, <strong>and</strong> large-scale structures of the resulting sedimentary rocks.Such geologic process descriptions can <strong>and</strong> must be used to develop better conceptual models ofsubsurface heterogeneity, including preferential flow paths <strong>and</strong> various scales of heterogeneitythat may be difficult to detect or represent with statistical methods. Such geologically in<strong>for</strong>medmodels are also needed <strong>for</strong> determining the consequences of neglecting certain features inupscaled or more conventional models of heterogeneity. This is one strategy <strong>for</strong> defining whichsystem properties, attributes <strong>and</strong> scales are most relevant to a particular problem.The translation of geological processes into spatial patterns <strong>and</strong> scales of relevant properties(basin, <strong>for</strong>mations, core scale) can be achieved using physical <strong>and</strong> numerical models ofdepositional, diagenetic <strong>and</strong> structural processes. The field of depositional process modeling isstill in the early stages, but with greater computational capability, <strong>and</strong> the optimal use <strong>and</strong>integration of disparate data sets, it can evolve into a powerful predictive tool <strong>for</strong> the 3Dgeologic structures at various length scales, the microproperties that govern the bulk behavior,<strong>and</strong> the temporal evolution of these structures.One of the main challenges in creating a 3D scale-bridging description of geologic structures isto relate geophysical, geochemical <strong>and</strong> bio-geochemical measurements to in situ properties <strong>and</strong>processes. The relation between the measurements <strong>and</strong> the in situ properties is scale-dependent<strong>and</strong> needs to bridge different temporal <strong>and</strong> spatial scales. The quantification <strong>and</strong> reduction ofuncertainties play a special role because measurements <strong>and</strong> inferences from these measurementsare useless when the associated uncertainty is unacceptably large. The determination of therequired thresholds of uncertainties needs to be addressed. Ultimately, it is necessary to developa fundamental underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the relevant upscaling <strong>and</strong> downscaling laws <strong>for</strong> flow, transportproperties, reaction rates, <strong>and</strong> mechanical properties.44 <strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Needs</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Geosciences</strong>: Facilitating 21 st Century Energy Systems

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