Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

Basic Research Needs for Geosciences - Energetics Meetings and ...

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APPENDIX 1: TECHNICAL PERSPECTIVES RESOURCE DOCUMENTinclude the quantification of aleatory <strong>and</strong> epistemic uncertainty in long-term estimates ofrecharge <strong>and</strong> discharge.3. Percolation <strong>and</strong> groundwater flow fieldsThe integrity of the engineered barrier system as well as waste dissolution, release, <strong>and</strong> transportof radionuclides to the accessible environment depend on the availability, amount, <strong>and</strong>distribution of groundwater flow towards, into, <strong>and</strong> away from the repository. Delineation ofgroundwater flow paths through complex geologic media (i.e., porous <strong>and</strong> fractured rocks <strong>and</strong>sediments with complex stratigraphy which potentially contains faults) remains a majorchallenge in subsurface hydrology that strongly affects the predicted per<strong>for</strong>mance of a geologicrepository (Berkowitz 2002). Specifically, there is a need <strong>for</strong> robust methods <strong>for</strong> detecting <strong>and</strong>identifying main flow features. This requires advances in science <strong>and</strong> technology to enable:1. Site-specific, high-resolution characterization of relevant hydrogeological properties2. Estimation of spatial <strong>and</strong> temporal distribution of water flow through these features underunsaturated <strong>and</strong> saturated flow conditions3. Appropriate upscaling, downscaling, <strong>and</strong> averaging procedures <strong>for</strong> hydrogeologicparameters, processes, <strong>and</strong> the resulting flow fieldsIn addition, there is a need to develop alternative models that include non-Darcy flow processes(e.g., film flow, rivulet flow, evaporation/condensation effects, liquid isl<strong>and</strong>s, flow acrossfracture intersections, non-equilibrium flows, etc.). Given the inherent difficulty to directlyobserve subsurface flow patterns, approaches need to be developed that estimate flow pathsusing combined hydrological, geochemical, <strong>and</strong> geophysical data. Finally, the long-term stabilityof identified groundwater flow paths needs to be assessed or predicted in response to geochem–ical <strong>and</strong> mechanical changes imposed by natural processes or the presence of the repository.4. Near-field effectsThe per<strong>for</strong>mance of a geologic repository is critically affected by the mutual impacts of thenatural <strong>and</strong> engineered systems. The geochemical <strong>and</strong> hydrological conditions of the naturalsystem affect the integrity of the engineered barriers. Conversely, the engineered barrier systemmay strongly affect natural processes in the near field, specifically through coupled thermalhydrological-chemical-mechanical-biologicalmechanisms. Potential effects include flow fieldalteration, evaporation, condensation, <strong>and</strong> the development of deliquescent brines, the generationof an excavation-disturbed zone, thermal effects, development of a drift shadow zone, <strong>and</strong>impacts of introduced materials on the biogeochemical environment. There is a need to developmodels that describe, predict, <strong>and</strong> control the transport of fluids, radionuclides, chemicals, <strong>and</strong>heat across the interface between the natural <strong>and</strong> engineered systems. In addition, methods areneeded to optimize the repository design such that stable, passive, self-supporting, or self-healingmechanisms are induced at the interface between the natural <strong>and</strong> engineered barrier systems suchthat they are beneficial to repository per<strong>for</strong>mance.5. Radionuclide transportThe accurate prediction of radionuclide release <strong>and</strong> transport from the repository to theaccessible environment (including transport through <strong>and</strong> accumulation in the biosphere) is a keyelement of per<strong>for</strong>mance assessment calculations. <strong>Research</strong> is needed to identify the relevantprocesses <strong>and</strong> related hydrogeochemical properties affecting radionuclide transport (specificallyadvective transport pathways <strong>and</strong> transport velocity, fracture-matrix interaction, sorptionAppendix 1 • 40<strong>Basic</strong> <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Needs</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Geosciences</strong>: Facilitating 21 st Century Energy Systems

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