Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

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ANNEX III1. What is the Mayan worldview?It is the practice and lifestyle of the Mayans. It is a way of seeing, feeling, understanding and living life toits fullest, in an interaction and interconnection with Mother Earth and the Universe. These practices arereflected in the codices, ideograms, art, knitting and music, especially reflected in the dialogue thattakes place in ceremonial events of appreciation for the existence of humans and all living things thatcoexist in the Mother Earth. At this time there is dialogue and communication with the entire Universe."It is a livelihood deeper than our grandmothers and our grandfathers created to explain the origin oflife, the origin and development of the universe. It is our own way of seeing, understanding andexperiences the meaning of life" 200 .The Mayan Cosmovision is life itself, is the ontological, epistemological, philosophical, and fundamentalswealth that can guide mankind on the ongoing widespread crisis of climate change and theenvironment. The Mayans and other indigenous peoples of the world as the amazonians are jointlycontributing in practice to have a good life.The land has a very deep sense in the worldview and the very form of existenceof indigenous people: she is the "mother who welcomes us" or "Pachamama" [2], the space where life iscreated and re-creates. In the indigenous view, man must "raise Mother Earth and let it be raised byher." This deep relationship between man and land as a source of life is contrasted radically with thevision of the colonizer who saw the land as possession and space of looting and extraction of preciousmetals and stones, the object of predation.We are one of the indigenous peoples of the world 201We are one, it is a portrait of the beauty and diversity of indigenous peoples also exposesthe environmental and humanitarian crisis that many of them are going through and thatendangers their survival. A call to action that highlights the universal and growing need forhuman values to take precedence over the economic needs, to curb climate change and thedestruction of rainforests, to redefine the Western concepts of progress and development to givethe attention it deserves to indigenous values of balance, humility and reciprocity.The Mayan 202 worldview is, at present, a current model with cultural practices that are exercised indifferent spheres of everyday life, including the preservation of health and recovery from it.Within the framework of this paradigm of life, the human person as such, can only be fulfilled if:"It recognizes that his existence is an expression of joy and happiness of the eternalmovement of life, the Creator Maker. Hence his own joy and happiness.It is accepted as the evolutionary point of original creation.Seeks and maintains communication with the originating source and eternal life, and eachof their material expressions and energy.Seeks the understanding of life, its cycles, and its qualities.Cultivate and experiences respect for the natural cycles of Mother Nature.Respects the human being and life in their mineral, vegetable and animal expressions, in thatthey contained the wisdom of the Creator Maker.Recognize needs of nature and the universe to live, and those that protect, purify and nourishit.200 Council of authors. Raxalaj Mayab’ K’aslemalil, Mayan worldview, fullness of life. P. 29, 2006.201 http://www.survival.es/somosuno202 Camey Huz, Donato, Domingo López, Daniel and Camey Huz, Rosenda Guidelines for the establishment and operation of amodel of mental health from and for indigenous peoples in the institutions of State. 2009, pages. 20 and 22, 27.68

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