Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

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IDH 228 For 2007 is of 0.6999Political Systems:Main Sectors 229 :Administrative Organization:Nicaragua is a Central American country that defines itself as an independent state,free, sovereign, unitary and indivisible. It is often also considered democratic,participatory and representative, maintaining four major powers (Legislative,Executive, Judicial and Electoral) and governing bodies.Agriculture is one of the main economic activities include the cultivation of cotton,coffee, sugarcane, bananas, corn, beans, and sesame.Agriculture is currently 60% of its total exports which annually provides about$: 300 million.Also, in early 2009, the Russian government was interested in creating a chocolateprocessing plant in Eastern Europe's largest and, according to the project managers,cocoa is produced in Nicaragua, to achieve the goal the country must produce morethan 50.000 tons of cocoa, this will become the largest producer of cocoa in CentralAmerica and the ninth largest worldwide.Livestock is a thriving business.The main mineral resources include gold, copper, silver and lead.The main industrial centers are located in the western country. According to theWorld Bank, Nicaragua is ranked as the 85th best economy to start a business.Flor de Cana rum from Nicaragua is renowned among the best in LatinAmerica, tobacco and livestock are also well positioned in terms of qualityfactors. During the war between the Contras and the Sandinistas in the 80's, muchof the country's infrastructure was damaged or destroyed. Inflationhas averaged 30% through the 80's.For administrative reasons, Nicaragua is divided into 15 departments andtwo autonomous regions. These, in turn, are currently divided into municipalities,153.1. TABLES OF PERCENTAGE OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE 230 :TOTAL POPULATION PER ETHNIC GROUP:North Atlantic Autonomous Region (RAAN)Ethnic Group Population PercentageMestizo (mixed) 109.116 56..6Miskitu 75.000 38.9Mayangna 7.000 3.7Creole 1.600 0.8TOTAL 192.716 100.0South Atlantic Autonomous RegionETHNIC GROUPS POPULATION NUMBER PERCENTAGEMestizo (mixed) 232.702 85.5Creole 28.000 10.3Miskitu 7.500 2.8Garífuna 2.000 0.7Rama 1.100 0.4Mayangna 950 0.3TOTALS 272.252 100.0228 Wikipedia-Human developing index: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%8Dndice_de_desarrollo_humano229 Wikipedia-Nicaragua, Production in Nicaragua: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicaragua230 Nicaragua-Acnur. Indigenous Peoples and Constitutional Rights in Latin America: An Overview. Cletus Gregor Barié, Cit:pag: 411:www.acnur.org/biblioteca/pdf/6294.pdf75

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