Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

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Indigenous Population:IDH 241 In 2007, of the 0.732Internationalconventions signed withindigenous peoples aroundthe country 242 :Political system:Main Economy andSectors 243 :From Chiapas to Costa Rica about 5 million people inhabited.Faced with the loss of native languages as the Lenca or Chol and endangeredlanguages that exist such as Payas, the Constitution considered necessary by Section172 that "all wealth of anthropological, archaeological, historical and artistic Hondurasis part of the nation's cultural heritage. The law shall establish standards as basis forconservation, restoration, maintenance and restitution, if any. It is the duty of allHondurans to ensure the protection and prevent theft. Likewise, the Constitution iscommitted to preserving and enhancing "the native cultures and the genuineexpressions of national folklore, folk art and crafts 239 .Laws and decrees relating to indigenous peoples in Honduras 240 :14/11/1966 Education Law Decree no. 7910/01/1974 Law of the Honduran Forest Development Law Decree no. 10314/09/1989 Higher Education Law Decree no. 14206/04/1992 Modernization Act and the Agricultural SectorDevelopment Decree no. 31Agreement No. 19/10/1992. 2124 regulations governing the award of land inthe Land Reform1993 Public Ministry Law Decree no. 22827/05/1993 General Environmental Law Decree no. 10403/08/1994 Agreement No. EP 0 719-94 recognition by Honduras asa multicultural and multiethnic that require institutionalization ofIntercultural Bilingual Education07/01/1 997. No. PCM-00321/07/1997. Agreement No. 110 Building Commission to prepare draft law toregulate issues related to indigenous and tribal population.24/12/1998 General Mining Law Decree no. 292Promulgationof theConstitutionForm ofgovernment11/1/1982 State rightsovereign,constitutedas free republic,democratic andindependent(Preamble 1)Convention107 (1957)Not ratifiedConvention169OIT(1989)ratified28/3/1995Hierarchy ofInternationalConventionsTreatiesconventionsare aboveof the Act(art.16, 18)Article 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras states that «the formof government is republican, democratic and representative. Is exercised by threebranches: legislative, executive and judicial, independent and complementaryand non-subordinate relationships. It adds that the rotation in office of thePresident of the Republic is mandatory, and that violation of this policy constitutes acrime of treason.In Section 5, the same constitution says that, government must be based on theprinciple of participatory democracy which is derived from national integration, whichinvolves participation of all political sectors ... to ensure and strengthen Honduras'sprogress based on political stability and national reconciliation.In all departments of the republic there is a continuing productive activity inagriculture, livestock, fisheries, textiles, mining, among others.In 2006 the Honduran economy grew by 6%, one of the most outstanding in LatinAmerica, says a rising line which began in 2004 during the administration of PresidentRicardo Maduro, according to ECLAC's annual report.239 Wikipedia-Honduras: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honduras240 Honduras-UNHCR. Indigenous Peoples and Constitutional Rights in Latin America: An Overview. Cletus Gregor Barié, Cit: pag:374 www.acnur.org/biblioteca/pdf/6292.pdf241 Wikipedia-Human Development Index: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%8Dndice_de_desarrollo_humano242 Honduras-UNHCR. Indigenous Peoples and Constitutional Rights in Latin America: An Overview. Cletus Gregor Barié, Cit: pag:372 www.acnur.org/biblioteca/pdf/6292.pdf243 Wikipedia-Honduras,Economy: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honduras85

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