Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

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Organization of American States (OAS), who is funding the settlement.As part of the organizational development of these organizations several territorial structures have finalized, withboth geographic and ethnic boundaries. This would have constituted the territorial and sectoral Miskitu Sumu-Mayangna and these are:Alto Rio Coco OrganizationMayangna Sauni AsMayangna Sauni BuKipla Tasbaika kumOther sectoral agencies grouped indigenous women, such as Coastal Women's Association (AMICA) and theOrganization of Indigenous Women (IMNAT) youth like the "Lakia Tara” Youth and veterans Indians, YAT.From this set of organizations have emerged basically two types of partnerships: the Coordinator for TerritorialDemarcation, which in addition to the above organizations have joined members of the National Assembly, thepresidents of regional councils and members of Commissions these Councils, as well as a non-governmental andURACCAN, Centro Humboldt, Alistar, CEDUPAZ, and others.Another alliance that was formed TASBA Commission (Earth) prior to their integration was the Coordinator, andevolved to form another coalition called the ASLA (Unit).These actions have to coordinate joint activities for both the territorial demarcation, as a basic requirement for thedefinition of property and therefore the definition of forest owners and for the preservation of indigenous rights ingeneral.In the Pacific, the Indigenous Movement of Nicaragua (MIN) was formed in 1992, the influence of the celebration of500 years of indigenous, black and popular resistance. Its main base were of indigenous descent chorotegas,nahuatl,, Matagalpa, Hokan (Sutiaba) and Jinotega, in the Pacific and Central North of the country. In theAutonomous Region North Atlantic and South Sectional were also formed, calling them MIRAAS and MIRAAN. Thismovement also lives another kind of duality between indigenous organization and NGOs. However, it has also takensteps at central level for the defense of the indigenous their lands and properties, including community forests.Indigenous Peoples of Honduras:COUTRY DATA:Capital:Area:Geography:Population:Honduras, officially the Republic of Honduras is a Central American country. It isdivided into 18 departments, the cities of Tegucigalpa and Comayagüela togetherconstitute the capital of the republicThe territory of Honduras has an area of 112.492 km²Honduras is located in the center of Central America. Bordered on the north by theCaribbean Sea or Sea of the Antilles, south to the Gulf of Fonseca (Pacific Ocean) andthe Republic of El Salvador. To the east, Honduras and Nicaragua bordering theCaribbean Sea, and west by Guatemala and El Salvador. The maritime boundaries arestill in the process being defined and / or demarcation.In the Caribbean Sea Honduras has the archipelago of the Bay Islands, comprising:Utila, Roatan and Guanaja. Also belonging to Honduras, El Cisne Islands and CayosCochinos, among others. In the Gulf of Fonseca shared with Nicaragua and El Salvador,Honduras has: Zacate Grande, Tigre, Garrobo, Exposición, Güegüensi and othersmaller islands.The population of Honduras is approximately 7.8 million inhabitants, and is among thefastest-growing number of Latin America. The Hondurans are dedicated mostly toagricultural activities, in addition to trade, manufacturing, finance, and utilities amongother activities, the most populous department Cortes Honduras is 1,529,826inhabitants, followed by Francisco Morazán with 1, 406,769 according to the NationalStatistics Institute (INE).Mayan society disappeared about the year 900 AD, in addition there were many otherpre-Hispanic societies, many of which continue today, among them we have:The Lenca, inhabiedt the central and south.The Tolupanes, inhabited the north of the country.The Pech, inhabited the eastern region.The Tawahka, inhabited the eastern region near where Nicaragua is now.Chorti, inhabited the country's west, where 500 years earlier ruled the Mayan empire.The chorotegas, inhabited the southern region.and various societies that inhabited the whole territory of present-day Honduras.84

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