Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

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Appreciates and respects their organic development and physiological maturity as a gift fromMother Earth.Recognizes the gift of being co-creator of life, through its engendering and reproduction ability.Respects and feeds their ancestors and works for the sustainability of human descendants 203 .Respect, happiness, peace and fulfillment in holistic complementarity is the explanationassumed by the indigenous peoples to define health-including mental health-that is, to live inbalance and harmony.Every living being, whether person, plant or animal is born with an energy force called nawal within theMayan worldview. This energy, grown in harmony and balance, develops in a balanced society.However, if growth and development is in disharmony and imbalance, its energy and integral being,would be sick."Historically, the world's indigenous peoples have had a practice, a way of life from theirworldview. This, because human life, the life of Mother Earth is sacred. For every vibration, everysound and song of the animals, mountains, hills, lakes, seas, rivers and births, are vibrations of thenatural life of every being that exists on Mother Earth and the Universe. Because when “a being isborn, a star is also born” in the words of a Cakchiquel Maya grandfather 204 ."The worldview of indigenous people is above all a way of living life from an integral view. Sincethat integrality, are as important people as the mountains, lakes, seas, animals, insects, plants and otherliving things because everything is alive, they are all a whole. From there then arises the harmony,from the relationship, interconnection, dialogue, respect and gratitude interconnection with allbeings that exist in the Universe and Mother Earth. All of this creates harmony, fulfillment, balance andwellness in every being, from the smaller cells and atoms in the human body. Therefore, every being hasits own name, it may be called energy or nawal 205 , B'atz B'e, Aj, Ix, Tzikin, Ajmaq, Noj, Tijax Kawoq,Ajpu 'Imox, Ik', Ak'abal, K'at, Kan,Keme, Kej, Q'anil, Toch, Tz'i 206 ; each of these energies, fedand harmonized by every being, leads to a state of joy, comfort, happiness, prosperity and harmony.Therefore, this ancient wisdom leads humanity to a paradigm of true existence with Mother Earthand the cosmos" 207 .From the perspective of the Mayan people, life is conceive as a integral / holistic process that is onlypossible if the three dimensions of human existence are in equilibrium: the material / biological, andsocial energy. It is life to the fullness, which means living in harmony, joy, love, happiness, prosperity,tranquility, which is achieved from the three-dimensional balance, put into practice.Happiness and joy are not built only on the material, but it is also built on the existing spiritual andemotional state. Mayan elders say that when people are in a state of fullness, they are Winaq 208 (personor people), which means a total state of maturity, understanding, respect and comprehension. Thisincludes a relationship of interaction and comfort with the whole environment, with Mother Nature.203 Council of Mayan authors . Op. Cit., pp. 38 -39.204 Camey Huz, Rosenda. 2009. Inf. MPSP.205 Nawal is energy of the Mayan Calendar, Sacred Lunar Calendar of 260 days.206 Energy and nawals, 20 days of the Mayan Sacred Calendar, also called Lunar, of 260 days.207 Op. cit. 5.208 Term which means a whole person with strengths, potentials, capabilities and also weaknesses. It also means 20, numerologyof Mayan mathematics.69

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