Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

Harmonized Perspectives - CDKN Global

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At the individual level, productivity per capita in 2006 yielded figures of an increase of2.6%. These figures mostly agree with abundant liquidity and low interest rates. Thegrowth was mostly for domestic consumption (8%) which was boosted by remittanceswhich rose by 26%.The export growth was 19% in traditional products such as coffee, bananas and so on.While exports of nontraditional products such as shellfish and maquilas productscontributed 7%.However, imports continued at the same pace and in 2006 represented 60% of thecountries gross domestic product, this due to the high cost of oil prices, which fell byhalf in 2008.The unemployment rate fell from 4.5% in 2005 to 3.3% in 2006. However, the countryis a member of Petrocaribe energy agreement, along with other countries in theregion, through which Venezuela offers oil and derivatives in convenient paymentterms.In the macroeconomic context, Honduras entered the market free trade with CentralAmerica, Dominican Republic and USA. Also it is important to highlight the staggeringremittances sent to the country by Hondurans living and working abroad especially inUSA. In 2006 the amount sent by these Hondurans was $ 2,359 million, which isexpected to be surpassed in2007.Honduras is one of the countries that did not go into recession in 2008 and 2009;growth has been thought to be due in part to the trading with many nations and notwith any particular nation. Tourism was not affected in 2009 as A-H1N1 flu has notspread in the country.INDIGENOUS AND NATIVE PEOPLES:The population of Honduras is approximately 8 million inhabitants, distributed as follows: 85% is mestizo,Amerindian 6%, 1% black, and 8% white (European and Arab).The mestizo (mixed Amerindian and European) is what comprised the bulk of the Honduran population, andtherefore extends to all corners of the country.8% of the Honduran population are members of indigenous groups known as the Confederation of IndigenousPeoples of Honduras (CONPAH) and those in specific regions in the country .- This confederation and thegovernment of Honduras count, seven different indigenous groups, among which are; Garifuna blacks or groupswho are not American Indians 244 .Indigenous population by sex and urban-rural 2001 census 245 :Zone Gender PercentageUrban Men 2.3%Rural Men 10.9%Urban Women 2.4%Rural Women 11.2%Urban Total 2.4%Rural Total 11.0%Population Structure by number of Indigenous population, non Indigenous, sex and rural-urban 246 :Persons Zone Sex Population NºUrban Men 61.770IndigenousUrban Women 6.970Rural Men 365.028Rural Women 359.338Urban Men 2.599758Non IndigenousUrban Women 2.858.626Rural Men 2.991.010Rural Women 2.8848.490INDIGENOUS AND NATIVE PEOPLES 247 :Ethnic groups in Honduras are the indigenous groups living in Honduran territory since the formation of theRepublic of Honduras, although some have already ceased to exist. There are several ethnic groups in244 Wikipedia-Honduras. Ethnography: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honduras245 RISALC.ORG. Management platform based on knowledge. Social Indicators for Latin America and the Caribbean. SocialIndicators. Percentage of indigenous population: http://www.risalc.org:9090/portal/indicadores/ficha/query.php246 RISALC.ORG/ Management platform based on knowledge/ Social Indicators for Latin America and the Caribbean/ Socialindicators. Population. Number of indigenous, non-indigenous by gender and rural -urban:http://www.risalc.org:9090/portal/indicadores/ficha/query.php247 Wikipedia-Honduras. Ethnic groups of Honduras: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grupos_%C3%A9tnicos_de_Honduras86

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