The Gigaset SE505 dsl/cable - DLG Tele

The Gigaset SE505 dsl/cable - DLG Tele

The Gigaset SE505 dsl/cable - DLG Tele


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GlossaryDHCPDynamic Host Configuration ProtocolDHCP handles the automatic assignment of IP addresses to network components. It wasdeveloped because in large networks – especially the Internet – the defining of IPaddresses is very complex as participants frequently move, drop out or new ones join.A DHCP Server automatically assigns the connected network components (DHCPClients) Dynamic IP addresses from a defined IP Pool Range thus saving a great deal ofconfiguration work. It also allows address pools to be used more effectively: Since notall participants are on the network at the same time, the same IP address can beassigned to different network components in succession as and when required.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Gigaset</strong> <strong>SE505</strong> <strong>dsl</strong>/<strong>cable</strong> includes a DHCP Server and so it can automatically assignIP addresses for the PC's on its local network. For specific PC's you can specify that theirIP addresses are never changed.DHCP ServerSee DHCPDMZDemilitarised ZoneDMZ describes a part of a network that is outside the Firewall. A DMZ is set up, as itwere, between a network you want to protect (e.g. a LAN) and a non-secure network(e.g. the Internet). A DMZ is useful if you want to offer Server services on the Internetwhich for security reasons are not to be run from behind the firewall or if Internetapplications do not work properly behind a firewall. A DMZ permits unrestricted accessfrom the Internet to only one or a few network components, while the other networkcomponents remain secure behind the firewall.DNSDomain Name SystemDNS permits the assignment of IP addresses to computer or Domain names that areeasier to remember. A DNS Server has to administer this information for each LAN withan Internet connection. As soon as a page on the Internet is called up, the browserobtains the corresponding IP address from the DNS Server so that it can establish theconnection.On the Internet the assignment of domain names to IP addresses follows a hierarchicalsystem. A local PC only knows the address of the local Name Server. This in turn knowsall the addresses of the computers in the local network and the next higher NameServer, which again knows addresses in its network and that of the next Name Server.DNS ServerSee DNSDomain name<strong>The</strong> Domain name is the reference to one or more Web Servers on the Internet. <strong>The</strong>Domain name is mapped via the DNS service to the corresponding IP address.DSLDigital Subscriber LineDSL is a data transmission technique in which a connection to the Internet can be runat 1.5 Mbps over normal telephone lines. A DSL connection is provided by an InternetService Provider. It requires a DSL modem.125

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