The Gigaset SE505 dsl/cable - DLG Tele

The Gigaset SE505 dsl/cable - DLG Tele

The Gigaset SE505 dsl/cable - DLG Tele


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GlossarySMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol<strong>The</strong> SMTP Protocol is part of the TCP/IP protocol family. It regulates the exchange ofelectronic mail on the Internet. Your Internet Service Provider provides you with accessto an SMTP server.SSIDService Set Identifier<strong>The</strong> SSID is used to identify the stations in a wireless network (WLAN). All wirelessnetwork components with the same SSID form a common network. <strong>The</strong> SSID can beassigned by the network operator.Static (fixed) IP addressA static (or fixed) IP address is assigned to a network component manually duringnetwork configuration. Unlike a Dynamic IP address, a static (fixed) IP address neverchanges.SubnetA subnet divides a network into smaller units.Subnet mask<strong>The</strong> subnet mask determines how parts of the IP addresses of a network represent thenetwork number and how many the computer number.<strong>The</strong> subnet mask administered by the <strong>Gigaset</strong> <strong>SE505</strong> <strong>dsl</strong>/<strong>cable</strong> is always means the first three parts of the IP address form the network number and the finalpart is used for assigning computer numbers. <strong>The</strong> first three parts of the IP address ofall network components are in this case always the same.SwitchA switch, like a Hub, is an element used to link different network segments orcomponents. Unlike a hub however, the switch has its own intelligence that enables itto forward packets to only that subnet or network component they are meant for.See also: Bridge, Hub, Router, GatewayTCPTransmission Control Protocol<strong>The</strong> TCP Protocol is part of the TCP/IP protocol family. TCP handles data transportbetween communication partners (applications). TCP is a session-based transmissionprotocol, i.e. it sets up, monitors and terminates a connection for transporting data.See also: UDPTCP/IPProtocol family on which the Internet is based. IP forms the foundation for eachcomputer-to-computer connection. TCP provides applications with a reliabletransmission link in the form of a continuous data stream. TCP/IP is the basis on whichservices such as WWW, Mail and News are built. <strong>The</strong>re are other protocols as well.131

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