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maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

9433: MaxIter : Integer;<br />

9434: Tol : Float;<br />

9435: var F_min : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

9436: { Minimization of a function of several variables along a line }<br />

94<strong>37</strong>: procedure Newton(Func : TFuncNVar;<br />

9438: HessGrad : THessGrad;<br />

9439: X : TVector;<br />

9440: Lb, Ub : Integer;<br />

9441: MaxIter : Integer;<br />

9442: Tol : Float;<br />

9443: var F_min : Float;<br />

9444: G : TVector;<br />

9445: H_inv : TMatrix;<br />

9446: var Det : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

9447: { Minimization of a function of several variables (Newton's method) }<br />

9448: procedure SaveNewton(FileName : string); external 'dmath';<br />

9449: { Save Newton iterations in a file }<br />

9450: procedure Marquardt(Func : TFuncNVar;<br />

9451: HessGrad : THessGrad;<br />

9452: X : TVector;<br />

9453: Lb, Ub : Integer;<br />

9454: MaxIter : Integer;<br />

9455: Tol : Float;<br />

9456: var F_min : Float;<br />

9457: G : TVector;<br />

9458: H_inv : TMatrix;<br />

9459: var Det : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

9460: { Minimization of a function of several variables (Marquardt's method) }<br />

9461: procedure SaveMarquardt(FileName : string); external 'dmath';<br />

9462: { Save Marquardt iterations in a file }<br />

9463: procedure BFGS(Func : TFuncNVar;<br />

9464: Gradient : TGradient;<br />

9465: X : TVector;<br />

9466: Lb, Ub : Integer;<br />

9467: MaxIter : Integer;<br />

9468: Tol : Float;<br />

9469: var F_min : Float;<br />

9470: G : TVector;<br />

9471: H_inv : TMatrix); external 'dmath';<br />

9472: { Minimization of a function of several variables (BFGS method) }<br />

9473: procedure SaveBFGS(FileName : string); external 'dmath';<br />

9474: { Save BFGS iterations in a file }<br />

9475: procedure Simplex(Func : TFuncNVar;<br />

9476: X : TVector;<br />

9477: Lb, Ub : Integer;<br />

9478: MaxIter : Integer;<br />

9479: Tol : Float;<br />

9480: var F_min : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

9481: { Minimization of a function of several variables (Simplex) }<br />

9482: procedure SaveSimplex(FileName : string); external 'dmath';<br />

9483: { Save Simplex iterations in a file }<br />

9484: { ------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

9485: Nonlinear equations<br />

9486: ------------------------------------------------------------------ }<br />

9487: procedure RootBrack(Func : TFunc;<br />

9488: var X, Y, FX, FY : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

9489: { Brackets a root of function Func between X and Y }<br />

9490: procedure Bisect(Func : TFunc;<br />

9491: var X, Y : Float;<br />

9492: MaxIter : Integer;<br />

9493: Tol : Float;<br />

9494: var F : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

9495: { Bisection method }<br />

9496: procedure Secant(Func : TFunc;<br />

9497: var X, Y : Float;<br />

9498: MaxIter : Integer;<br />

9499: Tol : Float;<br />

9500: var F : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

9501: { Secant method }<br />

9502: procedure NewtEq(Func, Deriv : TFunc;<br />

9503: var X : Float;<br />

9504: MaxIter : Integer;<br />

95<strong>05</strong>: Tol : Float;<br />

9506: var F : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

9507: { Newton-Raphson method for a single nonlinear equation }<br />

95<strong>08</strong>: procedure NewtEqs(Equations : TEquations;<br />

9509: Jacobian : TJacobian;<br />

9510: X, F : TVector;<br />

9511: Lb, Ub : Integer;<br />

9512: MaxIter : Integer;<br />

9513: Tol : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

95<strong>14</strong>: { Newton-Raphson method for a system of nonlinear equations }<br />

9515: procedure Broyden(Equations : TEquations;<br />

9516: X, F : TVector;<br />

95<strong>17</strong>: Lb, Ub : Integer;<br />

9518: MaxIter : Integer;<br />

9519: Tol : Float); external 'dmath';<br />

9520: { Broyden's method for a system of nonlinear equations }<br />

9521: { ------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 110

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