maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

5<strong>05</strong>7: function FirstInstance(const ATitle: string): Boolean;<br />

5<strong>05</strong>8: // restores a window based on it's classname and Caption. Either can be left empty<br />

5<strong>05</strong>9: // to widen the search<br />

5060: procedure RestoreOtherInstance(const MainFormClassName, MainFormCaption: string);<br />

5061: // manipulate the traybar and start button<br />

5062: procedure HideTraybar;<br />

5063: procedure ShowTraybar;<br />

5064: procedure ShowStartButton(Visible: Boolean = True);<br />

5065: // (rom) SC_MONITORPOWER is documented as Win 95 only(rom) better do some testing set monitor functions<br />

5066: procedure MonitorOn;<br />

5067: procedure MonitorOff;<br />

5068: procedure LowPower;<br />

5069: // send a key to the window named AppName<br />

5070: function SendKey(const AppName: string; Key: Char): Boolean;<br />

5071: {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}<br />

5072: // returns a list of all win currently visible, the Objects property is filled with their window handle<br />

5073: procedure GetVisibleWindows(List: TStrings);<br />

5074: Function GetVisibleWindowsF( List : TStrings):TStrings');<br />

5075: // associates an extension to a specific program<br />

5076: procedure AssociateExtension(const IconPath, ProgramName, Path, Extension: string);<br />

5077: procedure AddToRecentDocs(const FileName: string);<br />

5078: function GetRecentDocs: TStringList;<br />

5079: {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS}<br />

5<strong>08</strong>0: function CharIsMoney(const Ch: Char): Boolean;<br />

5<strong>08</strong>1: //function StrToCurrDef(const Str: string; Def: Currency): Currency;<br />

5<strong>08</strong>2: function IntToExtended(I: Integer): Extended;<br />

5<strong>08</strong>3: { GetChangedText works out the new text given the current cursor pos & the key pressed<br />

5<strong>08</strong>4: It is not very useful in other contexts, but in this unit as it is needed in both MemoEx and TypedEdit }<br />

5<strong>08</strong>5: function GetChangedText(const Text: string; SelStart, SelLength: Integer; Key: Char): string;<br />

5<strong>08</strong>6: function MakeYear4Digit(Year, Pivot: Integer): Integer;<br />

5<strong>08</strong>7: //function StrIsInteger(const S: string): Boolean;<br />

5<strong>08</strong>8: function StrIsFloatMoney(const Ps: string): Boolean;<br />

5<strong>08</strong>9: function StrIsDateTime(const Ps: string): Boolean;<br />

5090: function PreformatDateString(Ps: string): string;<br />

5091: function BooleanToInteger(const B: Boolean): Integer;<br />

5092: function StringToBoolean(const Ps: string): Boolean;<br />

5093: function SafeStrToDateTime(const Ps: string): TDateTime;<br />

5094: function SafeStrToDate(const Ps: string): TDateTime;<br />

5095: function SafeStrToTime(const Ps: string): TDateTime;<br />

5096: function StrDelete(const psSub, psMain: string): string;<br />

5097: { returns the fractional value of pcValue}<br />

5098: function TimeOnly(pcValue: TDateTime): TTime;<br />

5099: { returns the integral value of pcValue }<br />

5100: function DateOnly(pcValue: TDateTime): TDate;<br />

5101: type TdtKind = (dtkDateOnly, dtkTimeOnly, dtkDateTime);<br />

5102: const { TDateTime value used to signify Null value}<br />

5103: NullEquivalentDate: TDateTime = 0.0;<br />

5104: function DateIsNull(const pdtValue: TDateTime; const pdtKind: TdtKind): Boolean;<br />

51<strong>05</strong>: // Replacement for Win32Check to avoid platform specific warnings in D6<br />

5106: function OSCheck(RetVal: Boolean): Boolean;<br />

5107: { Shortens a fully qualified Path name so that it can be drawn with a specified length limit.<br />

51<strong>08</strong>: Same as FileCtrl.MinimizeName in functionality (but not implementation). Included here to<br />

5109: not be forced to use FileCtrl unnecessarily }<br />

5110: function MinimizeFileName(const FileName: string; Canvas: TCanvas; MaxLen: Integer): string;<br />

5111: function MinimizeText(const Text: string; Canvas: TCanvas; MaxWidth: Integer): string;<br />

5112: { MinimizeString trunactes long string, S, and appends'...'symbols,if Length of S is more than MaxLen }<br />

5113: function MinimizeString(const S: string; const MaxLen: Integer): string;<br />

51<strong>14</strong>: procedure RunDll32Internal(Wnd:THandle; const DLLName,FuncName,CmdLine:string;CmdShow:Integer=<br />


5115: { GetDLLVersion loads DLLName, gets a pointer to DLLVersion function and calls it, returning major and<br />

minor version values from the function. Returns False if DLL not loaded or if GetDLLVersion couldn't be<br />

found.}<br />

5116: function GetDLLVersion(const DLLName: string; var pdwMajor, pdwMinor: Integer): Boolean;<br />

51<strong>17</strong>: {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS}<br />

5118: procedure ResourceNotFound(ResID: PChar);<br />

5119: function EmptyRect: TRect;<br />

5120: function RectWidth(R: TRect): Integer;<br />

5121: function RectHeight(R: TRect): Integer;<br />

5122: function CompareRect(const R1, R2: TRect): Boolean;<br />

5123: procedure RectNormalize(var R: TRect);<br />

5124: function RectIsSquare(const R: TRect): Boolean;<br />

5125: function RectSquare(var ARect: TRect; <strong>AM</strong>axSize: Integer = -1): Boolean;<br />

5126: //If <strong>AM</strong>axSize = -1 ,then auto calc Square's max size<br />

5127: {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}<br />

5128: procedure FreeUnusedOle;<br />

5129: function GetWindowsVersion: string;<br />

5130: function LoadDLL(const LibName: string): THandle;<br />

5131: function RegisterServer(const ModuleName: string): Boolean;<br />

5132: function UnregisterServer(const ModuleName: string): Boolean;<br />

5133: {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS}<br />

5134: { String routines }<br />

5135: function GetEnvVar(const VarName: string): string;<br />

5136: function AnsiUpperFirstChar(const S: string): string; //follow Delphi 2009's example with "Ansi" prefix<br />

51<strong>37</strong>: function StringToPChar(var S: string): PChar;<br />

5138: function StrPAlloc(const S: string): PChar;<br />

5139: procedure SplitCommandLine(const CmdLine: string; var ExeName, Params: string);<br />

5<strong>14</strong>0: function DropT(const S: string): string;<br />

5<strong>14</strong>1: { Memory routines }<br />

5<strong>14</strong>2: function AllocMemo(Size: Longint): Pointer;<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 59

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