maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

13361: Function aChangeExt( const FileName, Extension : String) : String<br />

13362: Function aAdjustLineBreaks( const S : string) : string<br />

13363: Function aGetWindowStr( WinHandle : HWND) : String<br />

13364: Function aDiskSpace( Drive : String) : TdriveSize<br />

13365: Function aFileExists( FileName : String) : Boolean<br />

13366: Function aFileSize( FileName : String) : Int64<br />

13367: Function aDirectoryExists( const Name : string) : Boolean<br />

13368: Function aSysErrorMessage( ErrorCode : Integer) : string<br />

13369: Function aShortPathName( const LongName : string) : string<br />

13<strong>37</strong>0: Function aGetWindowVer : TWinVerRec<br />

13<strong>37</strong>1: procedure InitDriveSpacePtr;<br />

13<strong>37</strong>2: end;<br />

13<strong>37</strong>3:<br />

13<strong>37</strong>4: procedure SIRegister_MakeApp(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

13<strong>37</strong>5: begin<br />

13<strong>37</strong>6: aZero','LongInt'( 0);<br />

13<strong>37</strong>7: 'makeappDEF','LongInt'( - 1);<br />

13<strong>37</strong>8: 'CS_VREDRAW','LongInt'( DWORD ( 1 ));<br />

13<strong>37</strong>9: 'CS_HREDRAW','LongInt'( DWORD ( 2 ));<br />

13380: 'CS_KEYCVTWINDOW','LongInt'( 4);<br />

13381: 'CS_DBLCLKS','LongInt'( 8);<br />

13382: 'CS_OWNDC','LongWord')( $20);<br />

13383: 'CS_CLASSDC','LongWord')( $40);<br />

13384: 'CS_PARENTDC','LongWord')( $80);<br />

13385: 'CS_NOKEYCVT','LongWord')( $100);<br />

13386: 'CS_NOCLOSE','LongWord')( $200);<br />

13387: 'CS_SAVEBITS','LongWord')( $800);<br />

13388: 'CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT','LongWord')( $1000);<br />

13389: 'CS_BYTEALIGNWINDOW','LongWord')( $2000);<br />

13390: 'CS_GLOBALCLASS','LongWord')( $4000);<br />

13391: 'CS_IME','LongWord')( $10000);<br />

13392: 'CS_DROPSHADOW','LongWord')( $20000);<br />

13393: //PPanelFunc', '^TPanelFunc // will not work<br />

13394: TPanelStyle', '(psEdge, psTabEdge, psBorder, psTabBorder, psTab, psNone )<br />

13395: TFontLook', '( flBold, flItalic, flUnderLine, flStrikeOut )<br />

13396: TFontLooks', 'set of TFontLook<br />

13397: TMessagefunc','function(hWnd,iMsg,wParam,lParam:Integer):Integer)<br />

13398: Function SetWinClass(const ClassName:String; pMessFunc: Tmessagefunc; wcStyle : Integer): Word<br />

13399: Function SetWinClassO( const ClassName : String; pMessFunc : TObject; wcStyle : Integer): Word<br />

13400: Function SetWinClass( const ClassName : String; pMessFunc : TObject; wcStyle : Integer) : Word<br />

13401: Function MakeForm(Left,Top,Width,Height:Integer;const Caption:String;WinStyle:Integer):Integer<br />

13402: Procedure RunMsgLoop( Show : Boolean)<br />

13403: Function MakeFont(Height,Width:Integer; const FontName:String; Look:TFontLooks; Roman:Boolean): Integer<br />

13404: Function MakeButton(Left,Top,Width,Height:Integer;pCaption:PChar;hParent,<br />

ID_Number:Cardinal;hFont:Int):Int;<br />

134<strong>05</strong>: Function MakeListBox(Left,Top,Width,Height,Parent:Integer;const ListItems:String;WinStyle:Integer):Integer<br />

13406: Function MakeComboBox(Left,Top,Width,Height,Parent:Integer;const ListItems:String;WinStyle:Integer):Int<br />

13407: Function MakePanel(Left,Top,Width,Height,<br />

hParent:Int;WndFunc:TPanelFunc;ID_Number:Card;Style:TPanelStyle):Int;<br />

134<strong>08</strong>: Function MakeSubMenu(const ItemList : String; ID1, ID2 : Cardinal; hMenu : Integer) : Integer<br />

13409: Function id4menu( a, b : Byte; c : Byte; d : Byte) : Cardinal<br />

13410: Procedure DoInitMakeApp //set first to init formclasscontrol!<br />

13411: end;<br />

13412:<br />

13413: procedure SIRegister_ScreenSaver(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

134<strong>14</strong>: begin<br />

13415: TScreenSaverOption', '( ssoAutoAdjustFormProperties, ssoAutoHook'<br />

13416: +'KeyboardEvents, ssoAutoHookMouseEvents, ssoEnhancedMouseMoveDetection )<br />

134<strong>17</strong>: TScreenSaverOptions', 'set of TScreenSaverOption<br />

13418: 'cDefaultScreenSaverOptions','LongInt').Value.ts32:=ord(ssoAutoAdjustFormProperties) or<br />

ord(ssoAutoHookKeyboardEvents) or ord(ssoEnhancedMouseMoveDetection);<br />

13419: TScreenSaverPreviewEvent', 'Procedure ( Sender : TObject; previewHwnd: HWND)<br />

13420: SIRegister_TScreenSaver(CL);<br />

13421: //Procedure Register<br />

13422: Procedure SetScreenSaverPassword<br />

13423: end;<br />

13424:<br />

13425: procedure SIRegister_XCollection(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

13426: begin<br />

13427: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'TXCollection<br />

13428: SIRegister_EFilerException(CL);<br />

13429: SIRegister_TXCollectionItem(CL);<br />

13430: //TXCollectionItemClass', 'class of TXCollectionItem<br />

13431: SIRegister_TXCollection(CL);<br />

13432: Procedure RegisterXCollectionDestroyEvent( notifyEvent : TNotifyEvent)<br />

13433: Procedure DeRegisterXCollectionDestroyEvent( notifyEvent : TNotifyEvent)<br />

13434: Procedure RegisterXCollectionItemClass( aClass : TXCollectionItemClass)<br />

13435: Procedure UnregisterXCollectionItemClass( aClass : TXCollectionItemClass)<br />

13436: Function FindXCollectionItemClass( const className : String) : TXCollectionItemClass<br />

134<strong>37</strong>: Function GetXCollectionItemClassesList( baseClass : TXCollectionItemClass) : TList<br />

13438: end;<br />

13439:<br />

13440: procedure SIRegister_XOpenGL(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

13441: begin<br />

13442: TMapTexCoordMode', '(mtcmUndefined, mtcmNull, mtcmMain, mtcmDual, mtcmSecond,mtcmArbitrary);<br />

13443: Procedure xglMapTexCoordToNull<br />

13444: Procedure xglMapTexCoordToMain<br />

13445: Procedure xglMapTexCoordToSecond<br />

13446: Procedure xglMapTexCoordToDual<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 156

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