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maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

19702: procedure SetText(Text: PChar);<br />

19703: Procedure SetTextBuf( Buffer : PChar)<br />

19704: procedure SETTEXTBUF(BUFFER:PCHAR)<br />

197<strong>05</strong>: Procedure SetTick( Value : Integer)<br />

19706: Procedure SetTimeout( ATimeOut : Integer)<br />

19707: Procedure SetTraceEvent( Event : TDBXTraceEvent)<br />

197<strong>08</strong>: Procedure SetUserName( const UserName : string)<br />

19709: Procedure SetWallpaper( Path : string);<br />

19710: procedure ShellStyle1Click(Sender: TObject);<br />


19712: Procedure ShowFileProperties( const FileName : string)<br />

19713: Procedure ShowInclude1Click( Sender : TObject)<br />

197<strong>14</strong>: Procedure ShowInterfaces1Click( Sender : TObject)<br />

19715: Procedure ShowLastException1Click( Sender : TObject)<br />

19716: Procedure ShowMessage( const Msg : string)<br />

197<strong>17</strong>: Procedure ShowMessageBig(const aText : string);<br />

19718: Procedure ShowMessageBig2(const aText : string; aautosize: boolean);<br />

19719: Procedure ShowMessageBig3(const aText : string; fsize: byte; aautosize: boolean);<br />

19720: Procedure MsgBig(const aText : string); //alias<br />

19721: procedure showmessage(mytext: string);<br />

19722: Procedure ShowMessageFmt( const Msg : string; Params : array of const)<br />

19723: procedure ShowMessageFmt(const Msg: string; Params: array of const))<br />

19724: Procedure ShowMessagePos( const Msg : string; X, Y : Integer)<br />

19725: procedure ShowMessagePos(const Msg: string; X: Integer; Y: Integer))<br />

19726: Procedure ShowSearchDialog( const Directory : string)<br />

19727: Procedure ShowSpecChars1Click( Sender : TObject)<br />

19728: Procedure ShowBitmap(bmap: TBitmap); //draw in a form!<br />

19729: Procedure ShredFile( const FileName : string; Times : Integer)<br />

19730: procedure Shuffle(vQ: TStringList);<br />

19731: Procedure ShuffleList( var List : array of Integer; Count : Integer)<br />

19732: Procedure SimulateKeystroke( Key : byte; Shift : TShiftState)<br />

19733: Procedure SinCos( const Theta : Extended; var Sin, Cos : Extended)<br />

19734: Procedure SinCosE( X : Extended; out Sin, Cos : Extended)<br />

19735: Procedure Site( const ACommand : string)<br />

19736: Procedure SkipEOL<br />

197<strong>37</strong>: Procedure Sleep( ATime : cardinal)<br />

19738: Procedure Sleep( milliseconds : Cardinal)<br />

19739: Function SleepEx( dwMilliseconds : DWORD; bAlertable : BOOL) : DWORD<br />

19740: Procedure Slinenumbers1Click( Sender : TObject)<br />

19741: Procedure Sort<br />

19742: Procedure SortColorArray(ColorArray:TColorArray;L,R:Int;SortType:TColorArraySortType;Reverse:Bool)<br />

19743: procedure SoundAlarm; //beep seq<br />

19744: procedure Speak(const sText: string) //async like voice<br />

19745: procedure Speak2(const sText: string) //sync<br />

19746: procedure Split(Str: string; SubStr: string; List: TStrings);<br />

19747: Procedure SplitNameValue( const Line : string; var Name, Value : string)<br />

19748: Procedure SplitColumns( const AData : String; AStrings : TStrings; const ADelim : String)<br />

19749: Procedure SplitColumnsNoTrim( const AData : String; AStrings : TStrings; const ADelim : String)<br />

19750: Procedure SplitLines( AData : PChar; ADataSize : Integer; AStrings : TStrings)<br />

19751: Procedure SplitString( const AStr, AToken : String; var VLeft, VRight : String)<br />

19752: procedure SQLSyntax1Click(Sender: TObject);<br />

19753: Procedure SRand( Seed : RNG_IntType)<br />

19754: Procedure Start<br />

19755: Procedure StartCount( var Counter : TJclCounter; const Compensate : Boolean)<br />

19756: procedure StartFileFinder3(spath,aext,searchstr: string; arecursiv: boolean; reslist: TStringlist);<br />

19757: //Ex. StartFileFinder3(exepath+'exercices','*.pas','record',false,seclist);<br />

19758: Procedure StartTransaction( TransDesc : TTransactionDesc)<br />

19759: Procedure Status( var AStatusList : TStringList)<br />

19760: Procedure StatusBar1DblClick( Sender : TObject)<br />

19761: Procedure StepInto1Click( Sender : TObject)<br />

19762: Procedure StepIt<br />

19763: Procedure StepOut1Click( Sender : TObject)<br />

19764: Procedure Stop<br />

19765: procedure stopmp3;<br />

19766: procedure StartWeb(aurl: string);<br />

19767: Procedure Str(aint: integer; astr: string); //of system<br />

19768: Procedure StrDispose( Str : PChar)<br />

19769: procedure StrDispose(Str: PChar)<br />

19770: Procedure StrReplace(var Str: String; Old, New: String);<br />

19771: Procedure StretchDIBits( DC : THandle; const Dest : TRect; HalftoneStretch : Boolean)<br />

19772: procedure StretchDraw(const Rect: TRect; Graphic: TGraphic);<br />

19773: Procedure StringToBytes( Value : String; Bytes : array of byte)<br />

19774: procedure StrSet(c : Char; I : Integer; var s : String);<br />

19775: Procedure StrSplitP(const Delimiter: Char; Input: string; const Strings: TStrings);<br />

19776: Procedure StructureMount( APath : String)<br />

19777: procedure STYLECHANGED(SENDER:TOBJECT)<br />

19778: Procedure Subselect( Node : TTreeNode; Validate : Boolean)<br />

19779: procedure Succ(X: int64);<br />

19780: Procedure SumsAndSquares( const Data : array of Double; var Sum, SumOfSquares : Extended)<br />

19781: procedure SwapChar(var X,Y: char); //swapX follows<br />

19782: Procedure SwapFloats( var X, Y : Float)<br />

19783: procedure SwapGrid(grd: TStringGrid);<br />

19784: Procedure SwapOrd( var I, J : Byte);<br />

19785: Procedure SwapOrd( var X, Y : Integer)<br />

19786: Procedure SwapOrd1( var I, J : Shortint);<br />

19787: Procedure SwapOrd2( var I, J : Smallint);<br />

19788: Procedure SwapOrd3( var I, J : Word);<br />

19789: Procedure SwapOrd4( var I, J : Integer);<br />

19790: Procedure SwapOrd5( var I, J : Cardinal);<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 230

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