maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

75<strong>05</strong>: Procedure ConRec( Canvas : TCanvas; Nx, Ny, Nc : Integer; X, Y, Z : TVector; F : TMatrix)<br />

7506: Function Xpixel( X : Float) : Integer<br />

7507: Function Ypixel( Y : Float) : Integer<br />

75<strong>08</strong>: Function Xuser( X : Integer) : Float<br />

7509: Function Yuser( Y : Integer) : Float<br />

7510: end;<br />

7511:<br />

7512: Procedure FFT( NumSamples : Integer; InArray, OutArray : TCompVector)<br />

7513: Procedure IFFT( NumSamples : Integer; InArray, OutArray : TCompVector)<br />

75<strong>14</strong>: Procedure FFT_Integer( NumSamples : Integer; RealIn, ImagIn : TIntVector; OutArray : TCompVector)<br />

7515: Procedure FFT_Integer_Cleanup<br />

7516: Procedure CalcFrequency(NumSamples,FrequencyIndex: Integer;InArray: TCompVector;var FT : Complex)<br />

75<strong>17</strong>: //unit uPSI_JclStreams;<br />

7518: Function StreamSeek( Stream : TStream; const Offset : Int64; const Origin : TSeekOrigin) : Int64<br />

7519: Function StreamCopy( Source : TStream; Dest : TStream; BufferSize : Integer) : Int64<br />

7520: Function CompareStreams( A, B : TStream; BufferSize : Integer) : Boolean<br />

7521: Function JCompareFiles( const FileA, FileB : TFileName; BufferSize : Integer) : Boolean<br />

7522:<br />

7523: procedure SIRegister_FmxUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

7524: begin<br />

7525: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EInvalidDest<br />

7526: FindClass('TOBJECT'),'EFCantMove<br />

7527: Procedure fmxCopyFile( const FileName, DestName : string)<br />

7528: Procedure fmxMoveFile( const FileName, DestName : string)<br />

7529: Function fmxGetFileSize( const FileName : string) : LongInt<br />

7530: Function fmxFileDateTime( const FileName : string) : TDateTime<br />

7531: Function fmxHasAttr( const FileName : string; Attr : Word) : Boolean<br />

7532: Function fmxExecuteFile( const FileName, Params, DefaultDir : string; ShowCmd : Integer):THandle;<br />

7533: end;<br />

7534:<br />

7535: procedure SIRegister_FindFileIter(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

7536: begin<br />

75<strong>37</strong>: SIRegister_IFindFileIterator(CL);<br />

7538: Function CreateFindFile(const Path:string; IncludeAttr:Integer;out iffi:IFindFileIterator):Bool;<br />

7539: end;<br />

7540:<br />

7541: procedure SIRegister_PCharUtils(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

7542: begin<br />

7543: Function SkipWhite( cp : PChar) : PChar<br />

7544: Function ReadStringDoubleQuotedMaybe( cp : PChar; var AStr : string) : PChar<br />

7545: Function ReadStringSingleQuotedMaybe( cp : PChar; var AStr : string) : PChar<br />

7546: Function ReadIdent( cp : PChar; var ident : string) : PChar<br />

7547: end;<br />

7548:<br />

7549: procedure SIRegister_JclStrHashMap(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

7550: begin<br />

7551: SIRegister_TStringHashMapTraits(CL);<br />

7552: Function CaseSensitiveTraits : TStringHashMapTraits<br />

7553: Function CaseInsensitiveTraits : TStringHashMapTraits<br />

7554: THashNode', 'record Str : string; Ptr : Pointer; Left : PHashNod'<br />

7555: +'e; Right : PHashNode; end<br />

7556: //PHashArray', '^THashArray // will not work<br />

7557: SIRegister_TStringHashMap(CL);<br />

7558: THashValue', 'Cardinal<br />

7559: Function StrHash( const s : string) : THashValue<br />

7560: Function TextHash( const s : string) : THashValue<br />

7561: Function DataHash( var AValue, ASize : Cardinal) : THashValue<br />

7562: Function Iterate_FreeObjects( AUserData : Pointer; const AStr : string; var AData : Pointer) : Boolean<br />

7563: Function Iterate_Dispose( AUserData : Pointer; const AStr : string; var AData : Pointer) : Boolean<br />

7564: Function Iterate_FreeMem( AUserData : Pointer; const AStr : string; var AData : Pointer) : Boolean<br />

7565: SIRegister_TCaseSensitiveTraits(CL);<br />

7566: SIRegister_TCaseInsensitiveTraits(CL);<br />

7567:<br />

7568:<br />

7569: //*********************************************************************unit uPSI_umath;<br />

7570: Function uExpo( X : Float) : Float<br />

7571: Function uExp2( X : Float) : Float<br />

7572: Function uExp10( X : Float) : Float<br />

7573: Function uLog( X : Float) : Float<br />

7574: Function uLog2( X : Float) : Float<br />

7575: Function uLog10( X : Float) : Float<br />

7576: Function uLogA( X, A : Float) : Float<br />

7577: Function uIntPower( X : Float; N : Integer): Float<br />

7578: Function uPower( X, Y : Float) : Float<br />

7579: Function SgnGamma( X : Float) : Integer<br />

7580: Function Stirling( X : Float) : Float<br />

7581: Function StirLog( X : Float) : Float<br />

7582: Function Gamma( X : Float) : Float<br />

7583: Function LnGamma( X : Float) : Float<br />

7584: Function DiGamma( X : Float) : Float<br />

7585: Function TriGamma( X : Float) : Float<br />

7586: Function IGamma( X : Float) : Float<br />

7587: Function JGamma( X : Float) : Float<br />

7588: Function InvGamma( X : Float) : Float<br />

7589: Function Erf( X : Float) : Float<br />

7590: Function Erfc( X : Float) : Float<br />

7591: Function Correl(X, Y : TVector; Lb, Ub : Integer) : Float;<br />

7592: { Correlation coefficient between samples X and Y }<br />

7593: function DBeta(A, B, X : Float) : Float;<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: 88

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