maXbox3 14/05/2015 08:37:17 AM

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53

maXbox3 13.11.2013 11:25:53


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<strong>maXbox3</strong> <strong></strong><br />

<strong>14</strong>/<strong>05</strong>/<strong>2015</strong> <strong>08</strong>:<strong>37</strong>:<strong>17</strong> <strong>AM</strong><br />

12470:<br />

12471: procedure SIRegister_ovcfiler(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

12472: begin<br />

12473: SIRegister_TOvcAbstractStore(CL);<br />

12474: //PExPropInfo', '^TExPropInfo // will not work<br />

12475: // TExPropInfo', 'record PI : TPropInfo; AObject : TObject; end<br />

12476: SIRegister_TOvcPropertyList(CL);<br />

12477: SIRegister_TOvcDataFiler(CL);<br />

12478: Procedure UpdateStoredList( AForm : TWinControl; AStoredList : TStrings; FromForm : Boolean)<br />

12479: Procedure UpdateStoredList1( AForm : TCustomForm; AStoredList : TStrings; FromForm : Boolean)<br />

12480: Function CreateStoredItem( const CompName, PropName : string) : string<br />

12481: Function ParseStoredItem( const Item : string; var CompName, PropName : string) : Boolean<br />

12482: //Function GetPropType( PropInfo : PExPropInfo) : PTypeInfo<br />

12483: end;<br />

12484:<br />

12485: procedure SIRegister_ovccoco(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

12486: begin<br />

12487: 'ovsetsize','LongInt'( 16);<br />

12488: 'etSyntax','LongInt'( 0);<br />

12489: 'etSymantic','LongInt'( 1);<br />

12490: 'chCR','Char #13);<br />

12491: 'chLF','Char #10);<br />

12492: 'chLineSeparator',' chCR);<br />

12493: SIRegister_TCocoError(CL);<br />

12494: SIRegister_TCommentItem(CL);<br />

12495: SIRegister_TCommentList(CL);<br />

12496: SIRegister_TSymbolPosition(CL);<br />

12497: TGenListType', '( glNever, glAlways, glOnError )<br />

12498: TovBitSet', 'set of Integer<br />

12499: //PStartTable', '^TStartTable // will not work<br />

12500: 'TovCharSet', 'set of AnsiChar<br />

12501: TAfterGenListEvent', 'Procedure ( Sender : TObject; var PrintErrorCount : boolean)<br />

12502: TCommentEvent', 'Procedure ( Sender : TObject; CommentList : TCommentList)<br />

12503: TCustomErrorEvent', 'Function(Sender:TObject;const ErrorCode: longint;const Data:string): string<br />

12504: TovErrorEvent', 'Procedure ( Sender : TObject; Error : TCocoError)<br />

125<strong>05</strong>: TovErrorProc', 'Procedure ( ErrorCode : integer; Symbol : TSymbolP'<br />

12506: +'osition; const Data : string; ErrorType : integer)<br />

12507: TFailureEvent', 'Procedure ( Sender : TObject; NumErrors : integer)<br />

125<strong>08</strong>: TGetCH', 'Function ( pos : longint) : char<br />

12509: TStatusUpdateProc', 'Procedure ( Sender : TObject; Status: string; LineNum:integer)<br />

12510: SIRegister_TCocoRScanner(CL);<br />

12511: SIRegister_TCocoRGrammar(CL);<br />

12512: '_EF','Char #0);<br />

12513: '_TAB','Char').SetString( #09);<br />

125<strong>14</strong>: '_CR','Char').SetString( #13);<br />

12515: '_LF','Char').SetString( #10);<br />

12516: '_EL','').SetString( _CR);<br />

125<strong>17</strong>: '_EOF','Char').SetString( #26);<br />

12518: 'LineEnds','TCharSet'(ord(_CR) or ord(_LF) or ord(_EF));<br />

12519: 'minErrDist','LongInt'( 2);<br />

12520: Function ovPadL( S : string; ch : char; L : integer) : string<br />

12521: end;<br />

12522:<br />

12523: TFormatSettings = record<br />

12524: CurrencyFormat: Byte;<br />

12525: NegCurrFormat: Byte;<br />

12526: ThousandSeparator: Char;<br />

12527: DecimalSeparator: Char;<br />

12528: CurrencyDecimals: Byte;<br />

12529: DateSeparator: Char;<br />

12530: TimeSeparator: Char;<br />

12531: ListSeparator: Char;<br />

12532: CurrencyString: string;<br />

12533: ShortDateFormat: string;<br />

12534: LongDateFormat: string;<br />

12535: Time<strong>AM</strong>String: string;<br />

12536: TimePMString: string;<br />

125<strong>37</strong>: ShortTimeFormat: string;<br />

12538: LongTimeFormat: string;<br />

12539: ShortMonthNames: array[1..12] of string;<br />

12540: LongMonthNames: array[1..12] of string;<br />

12541: ShortDayNames: array[1..7] of string;<br />

12542: LongDayNames: array[1..7] of string;<br />

12543: TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow: Word;<br />

12544: end;<br />

12545:<br />

12546: procedure SIRegister_OvcFormatSettings(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

12547: begin<br />

12548: Function ovFormatSettings : TFormatSettings<br />

12549: end;<br />

12550:<br />

12551: procedure SIRegister_ovcstr(CL: TPSPascalCompiler);<br />

12552: begin<br />

12553: TOvcCharSet', 'set of Char<br />

12554: ovBTable', 'array[0..255] of Byte<br />

12555: //BTable = array[0..{$IFDEF UNICODE}{$IFDEF<br />


12556: Function BinaryBPChar( Dest : PChar; B : Byte) : PChar<br />

12557: Function BinaryLPChar( Dest : PChar; L : LongInt) : PChar<br />

PC<strong>08</strong> E:\maxbox3\mXGit39988\maxbox3\docs\maxbox_extract_funclist399.txt<br />

http://www.softwareschule.ch/maxbox.htm T: 297<br />

p: <strong>14</strong>5

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